Section 110.224 - Public employee performance evaluation systemA public employee performance evaluation system shall be established as a basis for evaluating and improving the performance of the state's workforce, to inform employees of strong and weak points in the employee's performance, to identify training needs, and to award lump-sum bonuses in accordance with s. 110.1245(2).
(1) Upon original appointment, promotion, demotion, or reassignment, a job description of the position assigned must be made available to the career service employee. The job description may be made available in an electronic format.(2) Each employee must have a performance evaluation at least annually, and the employee must receive an oral and written assessment of his or her performance evaluation. The performance evaluation may include a plan of action for improvement of the employee's performance based on the work expectations or performance standards applicable to the position as determined by the agency head.(3) The department may adopt rules to administer the public employee performance evaluation system which establish procedures for performance evaluation, review periods, and forms.s. 1, ch. 98-196; s.20, ch. 2001-43.