D.C. Code § 47-318.01
Section 1202 of D.C. Law 15-39 provided:
"(a) For fiscal year 2005, the Mayor shall submit a budget to the Council that increases local funds spending by no more than 3.5% of the fiscal year 2004 budget approved by the Council. Any spending transferred from local funds in fiscal year 2004 to non-local funds in Fiscal year 2005 shall be included in any calculation to determine whether the proposed spending for fiscal year 2005 is more than 3.5% greater than local spending in fiscal year 2004.
"(b) By July 1, 2003, the Chief Financial Officer and the Mayor shall identify by contract or subagency, the areas where contract savings identified by the Fiscal Year 2004 Budget Request Act, passed on May 6, 2003 (Enrolled version of Bill 15-214) shall occur and submit the information to Council.
"(c) The budget submission pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall provide that not less than 1/2 of the personnel costs for Public Safety Communications Center services in fiscal year 2004 shall instead be paid by local funds in fiscal year
Section 1042(a) of D.C. Law 15-205, as amended by section 1002 of D.C. Law 16-33, provided:
"(a) Beginning with the submission of the fiscal year 2006 budget, the Mayor shall submit a budget to the Council that is segmented and distinctly identifies:
"(1) That portion of the budget submission in which local funds are consistent with the amount projected in spending for the previous fiscal year by the Council in its Committee of the Whole Report on the Budget Request Act; provided, that the amounts included in the Committee of the Whole Report are to be revised to incorporate supplemental budget actions approved by the District during the course of any fiscal year; provided further, that the revised projections are certified by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer; and
"(2) Any additional proposed budget expenditures not included in paragraph (1) of this subsection that are supported by the revenue and resources certified as available by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer."