Subchapter I - GENERAL
- Section 42-2001 - Short title
- Section 42-2002 - Definitions
- Section 42-2003 - Establishment by subdivision
- Section 42-2004 - Transfer of individual units; incidents of real property; recordation
- Section 42-2005 - Joint tenancies, tenancies in common, tenancies by the entirety
- Section 42-2006 - Units held in fee; common elements held in undivided shares; recordation of declaration of ownership percentages; market values of units and shares not fixed; voting on basis; unit deeds
- Section 42-2007 - Indivisibility of common elements; limitation upon partition; exception thereto
- Section 42-2008 - Use of elements held in common; right to enter units for certain repairs
- Section 42-2009 - Plat of condominium subdivision - Contents thereof; certification and recordation
- Section 42-2010 - Plat of condominium subdivision - Reference thereto for description; conveyance of unit includes share in common elements
- Section 42-2011 - Termination and waiver of regime; certification upon plat; judicial termination; ownership after termination; condominium restrictions not applicable after termination or partition
- Section 42-2012 - Merger no bar to reconstitution
- Section 42-2013 - Bylaws - Availability for examination; made part of declaration; amendment; compliance mandatory
- Section 42-2014 - Plat of condominium subdivision - Necessary; modification of administration
- Section 42-2015 - Books of receipts and expenditures; availability for examination; annual audit
- Section 42-2016 - Common profits and expenses; taxation; proportional contributions for administration and maintenance mandatory; determination of amount due and assessment of lien
- Section 42-2017 - Priority of liens; unpaid assessments upon sale or conveyance
- Section 42-2018 - Joint and several liability of purchaser and seller of unit for amounts owing under Section 42-2016; purchaser's right of indemnity; right to statement of amount of unpaid assessments
- Section 42-2019 - Supplemental method of enforcement of lien; rights and duties of subsequent purchaser; priority of lien, bond and trust; written statement of payments due under lien
- Section 42-2020 - Authority to obtain hazard insurance; held in trust; no effect on right to insure individual unit
- Section 42-2021 - Application of insurance proceeds to reconstruction; pro rata distribution in certain cases according to bylaws or decision of council
- Section 42-2022 - Sharing of reconstruction cost where project not insured or insurance indemnity insufficient
- Section 42-2023 - Unit identification; taxation of unit and proportionate share of common area; effect of forfeiture or tax sale of other units
- Section 42-2024 - Actions relating to common elements; service of process; removal of lien on proportionate share of common areas following judgment against other unit owners
- Section 42-2025 - Liens available only against individual units; consent necessary for mechanics' or materialmen's liens; removal of lien on unit and proportionate share of common area following judgment against other unit owners
- Section 42-2026 - Rule against perpetuities and rule against unreasonable restraints on alienation not applicable to horizontal property regimes; exception for individual units
- Section 42-2027 - Subchapter supplements existing code provisions; exception where conflict arises
- Section 42-2028 - Regulations of Council and Zoning Commission; enforcement thereof
- Section 42-2029 - Subchapter interpreted to require compliance with all applicable laws; owners' responsibilities for taxes; methods of collection; no effect on eminent domain
- Section 42-2030 - Right to individual water meters; common water service authorized; billing and collection
- Section 42-2031 - Authority vested in Board of Commissioners unaffected; delegation of functions