The State of Delaware.
WHEREAS, by a Monition issued out of the Superior Court dated at ........,
the ........ day of .................. A.D. 20 ...., IT WAS COMMANDED, that
you should post the said Monition or copy thereof upon the real estate
therein mentioned and described, and make a return to the said Superior Court
within 10 days after said posting. That on the ........ day of
.................. A.D. 20 ...., you returned that a copy of the said
Monition was posted on the real estate therein mentioned and described on the
.......... day of ...................., A.D. 20 ....
We therefore now command you to expose to public sale, the real estate
mentioned and described in said Monition as follows: .......... And that you
should cause to be made as well a certain debt of ....................
Dollars ($ ............) lawful money of the United States, which to the said
Receiver of Taxes for Kent County, is due and owing, as also the sum of
.................... Dollars ($ ............) lawful money as aforesaid, for
its costs, which it has sustained by the detaining of that debt, whereof the
said ............ was convicted as it appears of record and against which
said property it is a lien:
And have you that money before the Judges of our Superior Court at ........,
on Monday the ........ day of Next, to render to the Receiver of Taxes for
Kent County as aforesaid, for its debt and costs as aforesaid, and this writ:
WITNESSETH, the Honorable .................... at ........, the ........
day of .................. A.D. 20 .... .
9 Del. C. § 4526