Del. Code tit. 6 § 15-114

Current through 2024 Legislative Session Act Chapter 364
Section 15-114 - Service of process on a partner and liquidating trustee
(a) A partner or a liquidating trustee of a partnership which is formed under the laws of the State of Delaware or doing business in the State of Delaware may be served with process in the manner prescribed in this section in all civil actions or proceedings brought in the State of Delaware involving or relating to the business of the partnership or a violation by the partner or the liquidating trustee of a duty to the partnership or any partner of the partnership, whether or not the partner or the liquidating trustee is a partner or a liquidating trustee at the time suit is commenced. A person who is at the time of the effectiveness of this section or who becomes a partner or a liquidating trustee of a partnership thereby consents to the appointment of the registered agent of the partnership (or, if there is none, the Secretary of State) as such person's agent upon whom service of process may be made as provided in this section. Any process when so served shall be of the same legal force and validity as if served upon such partner or liquidating trustee within the State of Delaware and such appointment of the registered agent (or, if there is none, the Secretary of State) shall be irrevocable.
(b) Service of process shall be effected by serving the registered agent (or, if there is none, the Secretary of State) with 1 copy of such process in the manner provided by law for service of writs of summons. In the event service is made under this subsection upon the Secretary of State, the plaintiff shall pay to the Secretary of State the sum of $50 for the use of the State of Delaware, which sum shall be taxed as part of the costs of the proceeding if the plaintiff shall prevail therein. In addition, the Prothonotary or the Register in Chancery of the court in which the civil action or proceeding is pending shall, within 7 days of such service, deposit in the United States mails, by registered mail, postage prepaid, true and attested copies of the process, together with a statement that service is being made pursuant to this section, addressed to such partner or liquidating trustee at the partner's or liquidating trustee's address furnished to the Prothonotary or Register in Chancery by the person desiring to make service, which address shall be the partner's or the liquidating trustee's address as the same appears in any statement of the partnership or, if no such address appears, the partner's or the liquidating trustees's last known address.
(c) In any action in which any such partner or liquidating trustee has been served with process as hereinabove provided, the time in which a defendant shall be required to appear and file a responsive pleading shall be computed from the date of mailing by the Prothonotary or the Register in Chancery as provided in subsection (b) of the section; however, the court in which such action has been commenced may order such continuance or continuances as may be necessary to afford such partner or liquidating trustee reasonable opportunity to defend the action.
(d) In a written partnership agreement or other writing, a partner may consent to be subject to the nonexclusive jurisdiction of the courts of, or arbitration in, a specified jurisdiction, or the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Delaware, or the exclusivity of arbitration in a specified jurisdiction or the State of Delaware, and to be served with legal process in the manner prescribed in such partnership agreement or other writing.
(e) Nothing herein contained limits or affects the right to serve process in any other manner now or hereafter provided by law. This section is an extension of and not a limitation upon the right otherwise existing of service of legal process upon nonresidents.
(f) The Court of Chancery and the Superior Court may make all necessary rules respecting the form of process, the manner of issuance and return thereof and such other rules which may be necessary to implement this section and are not inconsistent with this section.

6 Del. C. § 15-114

72 Del. Laws, c. 151, § 1; 72 Del. Laws, c. 390, § 10.;