Chapter 75 - BEE KEEPING
- Section 7501 - Definitions
- Section 7502 - State apiarist and inspectors; appointment, duties and powers
- Section 7503 - Inspection; quarantine; destruction of bees; appeal
- Section 7504 - Registration of bees with state apiarist
- Section 7505 - Structure of hives
- Section 7506 - Exposure of diseased, infested or infected bees or equipment; notice
- Section 7507 - False information; interference with apiarist or inspectors
- Section 7508 - Precautions against spread of disease
- Section 7509 - Movement of bees, equipment or appliances from infected apiary
- Section 7510 - Importation of bees or used bee equipment or appliances
- Section 7511 - Inspection of queen-rearing apiaries
- Section 7512 - Violations and penalties
- Section 7513 - Importation of queens, combless packages or nucleus colonies