- Section 1701A - Interstate medical licensure compact; findings and declaration of purpose
- Section 1702A - Definitions
- Section 1703A - Eligibility
- Section 1704A - Designation of state of principal license
- Section 1705A - Application and issuance of expedited licensure
- Section 1706A - Fees for expedited licensure
- Section 1707A - Renewal and continued participation
- Section 1708A - Coordinated information system
- Section 1709A - Joint investigations
- Section 1710A - Disciplinary actions
- Section 1711A - Interstate medical licensure compact commission
- Section 1712A - Powers and duties of the interstate commission
- Section 1713A - Finance powers
- Section 1714A - Organization and operation of the interstate commission
- Section 1715A - Rulemaking functions of the interstate commission
- Section 1716A - Oversight of the interstate compact
- Section 1717A - Enforcement of interstate compact
- Section 1718A - Default procedures
- Section 1719A - Dispute resolution
- Section 1720A - Member states, effective date and amendment
- Section 1721A - Withdrawal
- Section 1722A - Dissolution
- Section 1723A - Severability and construction
- Section 1724A - Binding effect of compact and other laws