Chapter 64 - ODOMETERS
- Section 6401 - Findings; purpose
- Section 6402 - Definitions
- Section 6403 - Unlawful devices
- Section 6404 - Unlawful change of mileage
- Section 6405 - Possession with intent to defraud
- Section 6406 - Lawful service, repair or replacement
- Section 6407 - Disclosure of odometer information
- Section 6408 - Exemptions
- Section 6409 - Disclosure of odometer information for leased motor vehicles
- Section 6410 - Disclosure of odometer information by power of attorney
- Section 6411 - Power of attorney to review title documents and acknowledge disclosure
- Section 6412 - Certification by person exercising powers of attorney
- Section 6413 - Access of transferee to prior title and power of attorney documents
- Section 6414 - Odometer disclosure statement retention
- Section 6415 - Odometer record retention for auction companies
- Section 6416 - Security of title documents
- Section 6417 - Review of disclosure statements
- Section 6418 - Responsibilities of motor vehicle dealers
- Section 6419 - Documents acceptable as odometer disclosure statements
- Section 6420 - Penalties; jurisdiction