Section 1414 - Repeal of sections 1310 and 1312(a)(1) Notwithstanding § 1310(b)(3) of this title, at such time as there are no longer outstanding any bonds secured by the trust agreement dated as of September 1, 1979, between the Authority and the trustee for the holders of said bonds or provisions for the payment thereof have been made in accordance with the terms of said trust agreement, (i) the motor fuel taxes and motor carrier registration fees remaining after said taxes and fees have been applied as required by the trust agreement dated as of September 1, 1981, between the Authority and the trustee for the holders of bonds secured by said trust agreement shall be paid to the Transportation Trust Fund to be applied by the Authority as provided by this chapter and shall thereupon, without the necessity of any further action by the General Assembly, be irrevocably and automatically pledged and assigned and continuously appropriated to the Transportation Trust Fund; (ii) the provisions of § 1310 of this title shall no longer be of any force or effect; and (iii) all revenues derived from or with respect to the operations of the Delaware Turnpike shall be deposited in the Transportation Trust Fund.(2) Notwithstanding § 1310 of this title, at such time as there are no longer outstanding any bonds secured by the trust agreement dated as of September 1, 1979, or the trust agreement dated as of September 1, 1981, both between the Authority and the trustee for the holders of said bonds, or provisions for the payment thereof have been made in accordance with the respective terms of said trust agreements, motor fuel taxes and motor carrier registration fees shall be paid to the Transportation Trust Fund to be applied by the Authority as provided in this chapter and shall thereupon without the necessity of any further action by the General Assembly, be irrevocably and automatically pledged and assigned and continuously appropriated to the Transportation Trust Fund.(b) The State hereby irrevocably pledges and assigns and continuously appropriates the proceeds derived from the motor vehicle registration fee imposed by the State pursuant to Chapter 21 of Title 21, as amended from time to time, the motor vehicle document fee imposed by the State pursuant to Chapter 30 of Title 30, as amended from time to time, the motor fuel taxes imposed by the State pursuant to Chapter 51 of Title 30, as amended from time to time, the motor carriers road use taxes and registration fees imposed by the State pursuant to Chapter 52 of Title 30, as amended from time to time, and the moneys transferred or disbursed to the Transportation Trust Fund pursuant to § 307 of Title 21, as amended from time to time, to the Transportation Trust Fund, subject to the rights of holders of outstanding bonds of the Authority issued pursuant to the Delaware Transportation Authority Act.(c) At the time § 1310 of this title is repealed and is no longer of any force or effect, § 1312 of this title shall be automatically repealed without any further act of the General Assembly.(d) Notwithstanding the repeal of said § 1310 of this title, the Authority shall retain the power, granted in said § 1310 of this title, in addition to the general grant of powers contained in § 1309 of this title to make and enforce such rules and regulations and establish, fix and revise from time to time, and charge and collect (or authorize by contract, franchise, lease or otherwise, the establishment, fixing, revising, charging and collection of) such charges, fares, fees, rates, rentals and tolls for the use of any transportation facility, or parts or sections thereof, operated by the Authority, as the Authority may deem necessary, proper, desirable or reasonable, subject to this chapter. The Authority may contract with any person desiring the use of any part of such transportation facilities, including rights-of-way for placing thereon, telephone, telegraph, electric light or power lines, gas stations, garages, restaurants and advertisements or for any other purposes, and fix the terms, conditions, charges, fares, fees, rates, rentals and tolls for such use. The Authority's power to review and revise any tolls, fares, rents, rates and other charges shall not be subject to supervision or regulation by any department, division, commission, board, council, bureau or agency of the State or any political subdivision thereof. The Authority will consider the purposes of this chapter when establishing such charges, fares, fees, rates, rentals and tolls.66 Del. Laws, c. 87, §1; 66 Del. Laws, c. 360, §49; 67 Del. Laws, c. 46, §53; 67 Del. Laws, c. 285, §56 (h).;