- Section 2301 - Declaration of purpose
- Section 2302 - Definitions
- Section 2303 - Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices prohibited
- Section 2304 - Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined
- Section 2305 - Favored agent or insurer; coercion of debtors
- Section 2305A - Banks acting as insurance agents or brokers
- Section 2306 - Power of Commissioner
- Section 2307 - Procedures as to defined and undefined practices; hearings; witnesses; appearances; production of books and service of process
- Section 2308 - Cease and desist and penalty orders and modifications thereof
- Section 2309 - Judicial review of orders
- Section 2310 - Judicial review by intervenor
- Section 2311 - Penalty for violation of cease and desist orders
- Section 2312 - Regulations
- Section 2313 - Provisions of chapter additional to existing law
- Section 2314 - Immunity from prosecution
- Section 2315 - Discrimination against individuals over 65 years of age
- Section 2316 - Refusal to issue policy to blind or deaf persons prohibited
- Section 2317 - Genetics based discrimination prohibited; health insurance
- Section 2317A - Genetics based discrimination prohibited; life insurance and annuities
- Section 2318 - Care by advanced practice nurses
- Section 2319 - Carrier post claim adjudication audit record requests
- Section 2320 - Discrimination prohibited; pre-exposure prophylaxis medication to prevent hiv infection
- Section 2321 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Provider types, generally. pharmacists