- Section 4750 - [See Note] State-legal marijuana activities
- Section 4751 - Prohibited acts A; penalties
- Section 4751A - Aggravating factors related to drug offenses
- Section 4751B - [Repealed]
- Section 4751C - Quantity tiers related to drug offenses
- Section 4751D - Knowledge of weight or quantity not an element of the offense; proof of weight or quantity
- Section 4752 - Drug dealing or possession; class B felony
- Section 4752A - Unlawful delivery of noncontrolled substance
- Section 4752B - Drug dealing resulting in death; class b felony
- Section 4753 - Drug dealing or possession; class C or E felony
- Section 4753A - Trafficking in marijuana, cocaine, illegal drugs, methamphetamines, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), designer drugs, or 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
- Section 4754 - Drug dealing; class D felony
- Section 4754A - Possession and delivery of non-controlled prescription drug
- Section 4755 - [Repealed]
- Section 4756 - Drug possession; class G or F felony
- Section 4757 - Miscellaneous drug crimes; class C or F felony
- Section 4758 - Unlawful dealing in a counterfeit or purported controlled substance; class E felony
- Section 4759 - Registrant crimes
- Section 4760 - Maintaining a drug property; class F felony
- Section 4760A - Operating or attempting to operate clandestine laboratories; cleanup; penalties
- Section 4761 - Illegal possession and delivery of noncontrolled prescription drugs
- Section 4761A - Purchase of drugs from minors; penalties
- Section 4762 - Hypodermic syringe or needle; delivering or possessing; disposal; exceptions
- Section 4763 - Possession of controlled substances or counterfeit controlled substances; class B misdemeanor
- Section 4764 - Possession of marijuana; class b misdemeanor, unclassified misdemeanor, or civil violation [for application of this section, see 80 del. laws, c. 38, section 6]
- Section 4764A - Legal marijuana-related activity
- Section 4765 - Penalties under other laws are additional
- Section 4766 - [Repealed]
- Section 4767 - First offenders controlled substances diversion program
- Section 4768 - Medical or psychiatric examination or treatment
- Section 4769 - Criminal immunity for persons who suffer or report an alcohol or drug overdose or other life threatening medical emergency
- Section 4770 - Unlawful possession, distribution, delivery, or sale of drug masking products; class b misdemeanor or class e felony