Section 5104 - Powers of University - University Police(a) The University shall have all the powers and franchises incident to a corporation, including the power to take and hold real and personal estate by deed, devise, bequest, gift, grant or otherwise, and the same to alien, sell, transfer and dispose of as occasion may require, and the proceeds thereof to reinvest in other property, funds or securities for the benefit of the University, and in accordance with the spirit and purpose of its charter.(b)(1) The University may appoint such number of police officers as are necessary to preserve the peace and good order of the University, and such officers shall be known as the "University Police" and shall be supervised by a Director. They shall have jurisdiction on the University campuses.(2) The University Police shall be law-enforcement officers of the State and conservators of the peace with the right to investigate and arrest, in accordance with the laws of the State, any person for violation of federal or state laws or applicable county or city ordinances when such violations occur on any property or facilities which are under the supervision, regulation or control of the University of Delaware or on contiguous streets and highways.(3) The provisions of this section shall neither reduce nor restrict the jurisdiction of other duly appointed peace officers who are empowered to enforce federal or state laws or applicable county or city ordinances on the property of the University of Delaware.Code 1852, § 781; 13 Del. Laws, c. 513, § 6; Code 1915, § 2339; Code 1935, § 2781; 14 Del. C. 1953, § 5104; 66 Del. Laws, c. 307, §1.;