N.Y. Workers' Comp. Law § 83
The commissioner shall adopt rules for the conduct of the business of the state fund, and may from time to time alter, amend or repeal any rule therefore adopted. At least six affirmative votes shall be required for the adoption of any rule, or the amendment or repeal of any rule. No rule, and no resolution proposing to alter, amend or repeal any rule, shall be effective unless approved by the commissioner of labor. If the commissioner of labor fails to act upon any such rule or resolution within thirty days after it is communicated to him or her, such rule or resolution shall be deemed to have been approved.
The rules of the commissioners shall provide for the conduct of the business of the state insurance fund, including the issuance of policies and their terms and conditions, the fixing of premium rates, the keeping of records, auditing of payrolls, and the billing and collection of premiums therefor, the inspection of risks and the setting of the standards of safety, the adjustment and payment of claims and awards, and the investigation of all matters relating thereto, the medical examination of persons claiming compensation and the furnishing and supervision of medical and surgical treatment to persons injured as set forth in this chapter, the conduct of the legal business of the fund and the enforcement of the subrogated rights of the fund against third parties, the investment of the surplus and reserves of the fund, and the collection and analysis of statistics of payrolls, premiums, losses and expenses and the actuarial consideration thereof.
N.Y. Work. Comp. Law § 83