The department, by or through the commissioner or his duly authorized officer or employee, shall have the following general functions, powers and duties:
The maps, drawings and other documents deposited in the department shall be open for inspection of the public at all reasonable hours, but shall not be removed or taken therefrom.
After completion of each quarter, the department shall issue a report, including the actual letting dates and contract amounts for each project accompanied by the same information. The report shall also compare changes in planned construction lettings with actual project lettings, changes in project costs of more than twenty-five percent for projects exceeding fifteen million dollars and the contributing factors for such project cost changes, and changes in project letting schedules of more than twelve months and contributing factors for such changes in letting schedules, and the estimated number of jobs created by each project. For purposes of this subdivision, "preliminary project cost estimates" shall mean publicly available project cost estimates including those required by the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) established pursuant to Title 23 U.S.C. sections 134 and 135, Title 23 C.F.R. Part 450 and Title 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53 and those required by Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) as defined by Title 23 U.S.C. section 134 (b)(6). For projects without such estimates, such term shall mean estimates in the following ranges: one to one hundred thousand dollars, one hundred thousand to two hundred fifty thousand dollars, two hundred fifty thousand to five hundred thousand dollars, five hundred thousand to one million dollars, one million to two million five hundred thousand dollars, two million five hundred thousand to five million dollars, five million to ten million dollars, ten million to fifteen million dollars, fifteen million to twenty-five million dollars, twenty-five million to seventy-five million dollars, seventy-five million to one hundred fifty million dollars, and one hundred fifty million dollars or greater.
N.Y. Transp. Law § 14