(b) When set forth in a writing executed subsequently to the will: I,, have designated {my attorney},
, {an attorney affiliated with my attorney} {an employee of my attorney or an affiliated attorney,} {a} {an} {executor} {alternate executor} {co-executor} (delete what is inapplicable) in my will dated ___________________.
Prior to signing my will, I was informed that:
(i) subject to limited statutory exceptions, any person, including my spouse, my child, a friend or associate, or an attorney, is eligible to serve as my executor;(ii) absent an agreement to the contrary, any person, including an attorney, who serves as an executor for me is entitled to receive statutory commissions for executorial services rendered to my estate;(iii) absent execution of this disclosure acknowledgment, the attorney who prepared my will, a then affiliated attorney, or an employee of such attorney or a then affiliated attorney, who serves as an executor shall be entitled to one-half the commissions he or she would otherwise be entitled to receive; and(iv) if such attorney serves as my executor, and he or she or another attorney affiliated with such attorney renders legal services in connection with the executor's official duties, he or she is entitled to receive just and reasonable compensation for those legal services, in addition to the commissions to which an executor is entitled. ______________________ _________________________
(Witness) (Testator)
Dated:________________ Dated:___________________