Section 136-A - Information from state tax commission and the comptroller1. Section six hundred ninety-seven or any other provision of the tax law shall in no way be construed to restrict the department from obtaining, on behalf of itself or a local social services district, the name, address, social security number, employment history and number of dependents claimed for any individual certified by the department to be a welfare recipient and suspected of abusing, defrauding or otherwise violating the welfare system.2. Information furnished to the department by the state tax commission and the comptroller under or as a result of the agreement authorized by section one hundred seventy-one-c of the tax law shall be considered confidential and shall not be disclosed to persons or agencies other than those entitled to such information because such disclosure is necessary for the proper administration of title six-A of article three and title ten of article five of this chapter.N.Y. Soc. Serv. Law § 136-A