Title 1-A - [Multiple versions] GREEN ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY
- Section 1020 - [Multiple versions] Short title
- Section 1020-A - [Multiple versions] Definitions
- Section 1020-B - [Multiple versions] Green Island power district
- Section 1020-C - [Multiple versions] Green Island power authority
- Section 1020-D - [Multiple versions] Powers of the authority
- Section 1020-E - [Multiple versions] Power to furnish service within district
- Section 1020-F - [Multiple versions] Sale of surplus
- Section 1020-H - [Multiple versions] Bonds and notes of the authority
- Section 1020-I - [Multiple versions] Remedies of bondholders
- Section 1020-J - [Multiple versions] State and village not liable on bonds and notes
- Section 1020-K - [Multiple versions] Agreements of the state
- Section 1020-L - [Multiple versions] Bonds legal investments for fiduciaries
- Section 1020-M - [Multiple versions] Exemption from taxes
- Section 1020-MM - Prioritization of emergency services
- Section 1020-N - [Multiple versions] Tax contract by the state
- Section 1020-O - [Multiple versions] Payments by municipalities
- Section 1020-P - [Multiple versions] Duty of authority to maintain and operate
- Section 1020-Q - [Multiple versions] Transfer of officers and employees
- Section 1020-R - [Multiple versions] Officers and employees not to be interested in transactions
- Section 1020-S - [Multiple versions] Contracts
- Section 1020-T - [Multiple versions] Audit
- Section 1020-U - [Multiple versions] Actions against authority
- Section 1020-V - [Multiple versions] Separability clause
- Section 1020-W - [Multiple versions] Inconsistent provisions in other acts superseded