N.Y. Exec. Law § 165
The commission on uniform state laws is continued. It shall be the object of the commission to examine various statutes and fields of law and to consult and cooperate with similar commissions in other states with a view to promoting uniform legislation throughout the United States whenever practicable. The commission may recommend such legislation as may accomplish its objective. It shall consist of five members appointed by the governor. The members shall hold office and may be removed at the pleasure of the governor. The commission shall serve without compensation, but each commissioner shall be entitled to receive his actual disbursements for his expenses in performing the duties of his office. The commission may employ such persons and incur such expenses as may be necessary for the performance of its duties within the amounts appropriated therefor. The commission shall report to the legislature whenever the commission deems it necessary and shall report to the legislature upon its request. Such reports shall consist of an account of the transactions of the commission and its advice and recommendations.
N.Y. Exec. Law § 165