Section 7307 - Special provisions1. Every architect shall have a seal, approved by the board, which shall contain the name of the architect and either the words "Registered Architect" and such other words or figures as the board may deem necessary. All working drawings and specifications, prepared by such architect or by a full-time or part-time subordinate employed under his supervision, shall be stamped with such seal and shall also be signed on the original with the personal signature of such architect when filed with public officials. Except for plans and specifications excluded from the provisions of this article by section seventy-three hundred six of this article, no official of this state, or of any county, city, town or village therein, charged with the enforcement of laws, ordinances or regulations relating to the construction or alteration of buildings or structures, shall accept or approve any plans or specifications that are not stamped:a. With the seal of an architect or professional engineer registered in this state and bearing the authorized facsimile of the signature of such architect or professional engineer; or b.With the official seal and authorized facsimile of the signature of an architect or professional engineer not a resident of this state and having no established business in this state, but who is legally qualified to practice as such in his own state or country, provided that such person holds a limited permit issued by the department, and provided further that the plans or specifications are accompanied by and have attached thereto written authorization issued by the department for the specific project.2. Engineers, land surveyors, geologists, architects and landscape architects may join in the formation of a joint enterprise, or a partnership or a professional service corporation or a design professional service corporation or may form any desired combination of such professions and may use in the name of such corporation the title of any of the professions which will be practiced. After the name of each member his or her profession shall be indicated.3. A firm name may be continued by employees having at least fifteen years of continuous service if the retired members and legal representatives of deceased members consent to such continuance.4. It shall be lawful for a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of New York, and which on or before the twelfth day of April nineteen hundred twenty-nine and continuously thereafter was lawfully practicing in New York state to continue such practice, provided that the chief executive officer of such corporation in the state of New York shall be an architect licensed under this article, and provided further that the construction of buildings and structures shall be under the personal supervision of such architect and that drawings, plans, and specifications shall be prepared under the personal direction and supervision of such architect and bear the stamp of his official seal, and the drawings or specifications shall also be signed on the original, with the personal signature of such architect. No such corporation shall be permitted to change its name and continue to practice architecture, except upon the written approval of the department.5. This article shall not apply to: 1. Farm buildings, including barns, sheds, poultry houses and other buildings used directly and solely for agricultural purposes; nor to residence buildings of gross area of fifteen hundred square feet or less, not including garages, carports, porches, cellars, or uninhabitable basements or attics; or2. Alterations, costing ten thousand dollars or less, to any building or structure within the city of New York and twenty thousand dollars or less, to any building or structure outside the city of New York which do not involve changes affecting the structural safety or public safety thereof.Amended by New York Laws 2014, ch. 475,Sec. 11, eff. 11/21/2016.