- Section 6500 - Introduction
- Section 6501 - Admission to a profession (licensing)
- Section 6501-A - [Repealed]
- Section 6501-B - Affirmation of applications
- Section 6502 - Duration and registration of a license
- Section 6502-A - Renewal of professional license, certification, or registration
- Section 6503 - Practice of a profession
- Section 6503-A - Waiver for entities providing certain professional services
- Section 6503-B - Waiver for certain special education schools and early intervention agencies
- Section 6504 - Regulation of the professions
- Section 6505 - Construction
- Section 6505-A - Professional referrals
- Section 6505-B - [Effective Until 12/22/2025] Course work or training in infection control practices
- Section 6505-B - [Effective 12/22/2025] Course work or training in infection control practices
- Section 6505-C - Articulation between military and civilian professional careers
- Section 6505-D - Evaluation of prior disciplinary history for authorization to practice
- Section 6505-E - Provision of information related to coursework and training in nutrition