N.Y. Banking Law § 235
A savings bank may invest in the following property and securities and no others:
A savings bank may also waive its right to enforce payment of any bond or note secured by a mortgage on real property and may waive its right to obtain a deficiency judgment against the borrower in the event of foreclosure of such mortgage.
For purposes of this subdivision, the term mortgage shall include a lien on an existing ownership interest in certificates of stock or other evidence of an ownership interest in, and a proprietary lease from, a corporation or partnership formed for the purpose of the cooperative ownership of real estate.
The amount of income available for fixed charges shall be the amount obtained by deducting from gross income all items deductible in ascertaining net income other than federal income taxes, contingent income interest and those constituting fixed charges. Fixed charges shall be: rent for leased roads, miscellaneous rents, fixed interest on funded debt, interest on unfunded debt and amortization of discount on funded debt.
Accounting terms used in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to refer to those used in the accounting reports prescribed by the accounting regulations for common carriers subject to the provisions of the interstate commerce act. If the interstate commerce commission shall prescribe accounting regulations wherein shall be defined the term income available for fixed charges and the term fixed charges, the definitions thereof as so prescribed shall be taken and used in lieu of the definitions set forth in the preceding paragraph of this subdivision for all purposes hereof, except that federal income taxes shall not be deducted, nor shall federal income tax credits be included, in computing income available for fixed charges. In determining income available for fixed charges and fixed charges pursuant to this paragraph or the immediately preceding paragraph interest, dividends and rentals paid by a railroad corporation and included in both such amounts shall be eliminated.
For all purposes of this subdivision seven, the revenues, earnings, income and fixed charges of, and dividends paid by, any railroad corporation prior to the acquisition of all or substantially all of its railroad lines by another railroad corporation, through merger, consolidation, conveyance or lease, shall, while such lines remain in the possession of the acquiring corporation, be deemed to have been revenues, earnings, income and fixed charges of, and dividends paid by, such acquiring corporation.
Whenever a railroad corporation shall own (directly or through a subsidiary all of the stock of which, except directors' qualifying shares, is owned by such corporation) at least ninety per cent of the capital stock of one or more other railroad corporations, the property of which is operated by it under lease, the consolidated statements of all such railroad corporations may be used in determining the amount of income available for fixed charges and the amount of fixed charges.
Obligations of a railroad corporation the railroad lines of which have been so leased prior to April fifth, nineteen hundred twenty-nine, for the payment of which the lessee is not obligated, that are outstanding and officially listed by the department of financial services of the state of New York as authorized investments prior to that date, shall be and remain authorized investments hereunder; provided, that such railroad lines shall be in the possession of and be operated by a railroad corporation such as is described in and meets the requirements of the provisions of this subdivision preceding paragraph (a).
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this subdivision, equipment obligations described in paragraph (c) which shall have been issued, assumed or guaranteed by any railroad corporation classified by the interstate commerce commission as a class one railroad and which are not in default, shall be authorized investments hereunder.
Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this subdivision, fixed interest-bearing obligations of railroad corporations, excluding terminal, depot and tunnel corporations, which are eligible for purchase by savings banks on December thirty-first, nineteen hundred fifty-two under the provisions of subdivisions seven or nineteen of this section, or which shall thereafter become eligible pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision seven, as amended, if not in default, shall be and remain eligible hereunder, provided that the income available for fixed charges, as herein defined, of the railroad corporation which has issued, assumed or guaranteed such obligations, or which operates under lease the railroad lines of the corporation which has issued, assumed or guaranteed such obligations, shall have averaged for the five fiscal years next preceding the time of investment not less than twice the interest charges for the last such fiscal year on all equipment obligations, and other obligations eligible hereunder, of such railroad corporation which remain outstanding at time of investment.
Fixed interest-bearing bonds of terminal, depot and tunnel companies which are eligible for purchase by savings banks on December thirty-first, nineteen hundred fifty-two under the provisions of subdivisions seven or nineteen of this section, or which shall thereafter become eligible pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision seven, as amended, shall be and remain eligible hereunder, provided that the principal and interest thereof be guaranteed by endorsement by, or guaranteed by endorsement which guaranty has been assumed by, a railroad corporation which meets the requirements of the preceding paragraph for continuing the eligibility of its own fixed interest-bearing obligations.
Not more than twenty-five per centum of the assets of any savings bank shall be loaned or invested in the bonds, notes, certificates, conditional sale agreements, assignments of conditional sale agreements and participations therein in this subdivision seven defined, and not more than ten per centum of such assets shall be invested in such bonds, notes, certificates, conditional sale agreements, assignments of conditional sale agreements and participations therein for which any one railroad corporation of this state shall be obligated, and not more than five per centum of such assets shall be invested in the bonds, notes, certificates, conditional sale agreements, assignments of conditional sale agreements and participations therein for which any one railroad corporation not of this state shall be obligated.
Street railroad corporations shall not be considered railroad corporations within the meaning of this subdivision.
A savings bank may, subject to such regulations as the superintendent of financial services finds necessary and proper, invest to an amount not exceeding the maximum per cent of the loan permitted to be made on real estate improved by a single family residence occupied by the owner, provided that for purposes of this section the amount of the purchase price shall be deemed to equal the appraised value of such certificate of stock or other evidence of an ownership interest, or, in the case of a refinancing, the appraised value of certificates of stock or other evidence of an ownership interest in and a proprietary lease from, a corporation or partnership formed for the purpose of the cooperative ownership of real estate within or without this state, for the purpose of financing a purchase of or refinancing an existing ownership interest in such a corporation or partnership, provided (a) such investment is secured within ninety days from the making of the loan by an assignment or transfer of the stock or other evidence of an ownership interest of the borrower and a proprietary lease; and (b) repayment of principal and interest shall be effected within the same number of years as a conventional mortgage loan previously described in this subdivision. The maximum rate of interest which may be charged, taken or received upon any loan or forbearance made pursuant to this subdivision may exceed the rate of interest prescribed by the superintendent of financial services in accordance with section fourteen-a of this chapter by no more than one and one-half per centum per annum.
The superintendent of financial services shall be empowered (a) to prescribe the terms and conditions governing the conduct and operation of personal loan departments including, the maximum amount, expressed as a percentage of assets or otherwise, which a savings bank may invest pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision or in the aggregate, taking into account such other provisions of law authorizing investments by savings banks, and (b) to prescribe such terms and conditions as may be appropriate to effect or facilitate the transfer of accounts operated pursuant to the provisions of any other section of this chapter to the personal loan departments authorized to be operated hereunder.
In pursuance of the authority granted hereunder savings banks shall be empowered to issue credit cards, extend credit in connection therewith, and otherwise engage in or participate in credit card operations, and to act as financing agency as defined in subdivision nine of section three hundred one and subdivisioneighteen of section four hundred one of the personal property law.
Aggregate liability of any bank, trust company, private banker, investment company or banking corporation to any savings bank for acceptances shall not exceed twenty-five per centum of the capital and surplus of such bank, trust company, private banker, investment company or banking corporation, or five per centum of the aggregate amount credited to the depositors of such savings bank, whichever amount is less.
Whenever a corporation shall own a majority of the capital stock of one or more other telephone corporations, the consolidated statements of all such telephone corporations shall be used in determining the amount of net earnings available for interest charges, and the amount of interest charges, of such corporation.
The provisions of subdivision six of this section, except those of paragraph (f) thereof, shall not apply to investments made pursuant to this subdivision by any savings bank. Paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of section one of chapter eight hundred ninety-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred thirty-four as amended shall not apply to savings banks. The term "bond", as used in this subdivision, includes a note. The authority provided in this subdivision to invest in any bond and mortgage guaranteed pursuant to the provisions of the act of congress entitled the "Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944", shall include authority to acquire title to real property in connection with investing in an installment contract for the sale of real property, so guaranteed, where the purchaser under such contract is in possession and control of the property, and title is acquired by the savings bank solely as security for the obligations of the purchaser.
Without limiting its authority hereunder, the superintendent of financial services shall adopt regulations to require that any savings bank which shall elect to make investments pursuant to this subdivision shall have first established an investment committee of its board of trustees to supervise and monitor the investment activities exercisable pursuant to the authority granted by this subdivision, the majority of the members of which shall be trustees who are not also officers or employees of such savings bank.
The superintendent of financial services shall, in addition, adopt regulations to require that no savings bank, in making investments pursuant to this subdivision shall (either before or after the making of such investments) control, as the superintendent of financial services shall define the term "control", the issuer of any such securities acquired by such savings bank.
For purposes of any other law establishing or limiting the investments of any person or entity to those investments which are permitted for savings banks, the investments authorized by this subdivision shall not, by virtue of this subdivision alone, be deemed investments in which a savings bank may legally invest.
N.Y. Banking Law § 235