Section 44-30-1607 - Consumer protections(1) A fantasy contest operator, including a small fantasy contest operator, shall implement commercially reasonable procedures for fantasy contests with an entry fee, which procedures are designed to:(a) Prevent employees of the fantasy contest operator, including a small fantasy contest operator, and relatives living in the same household as the employees, from competing in any fantasy contests offered by any fantasy contest operator in which the operator offers a cash prize; except that any of such individuals may play in a private contest on a fantasy contest platform in which the individual's relevant affiliation to the fantasy contest operator is disclosed to all other players;(b) Prevent sharing of confidential information that could affect the fantasy contest play with third parties until the information is made publicly available;(c) Verify that a fantasy contest player in such a fantasy contest is eighteen years of age or older;(d) Ensure that individuals who participate or officiate in a game or contest that is the subject of such a fantasy contest will be restricted from entering such a fantasy contest that is determined, in whole or in part, on the accumulated statistical results of a team of individuals in the game or contest in which they are a player or official;(e) Allow individuals to restrict themselves from entering such a fantasy contest upon request and provide reasonable steps to prevent the person from entering the fantasy contests offered by the fantasy contest operator, including a small fantasy contest operator;(f) Disclose the number of entries that a fantasy contest player may submit to each such fantasy contest, provide reasonable steps to prevent players from submitting more than the allowable number, and, in any contest involving at least one hundred one entries, not allow a player to submit more than the lesser of three percent of all entries or one hundred fifty entries;(g) Segregate fantasy contest player funds from operational funds and maintain a reserve in the form of cash, cash equivalents, an irrevocable letter of credit, a bond, or a combination thereof, in the amount of the deposits made to the accounts of fantasy contest players for the benefit and protection of the funds held in the accounts;(h) Distinguish highly experienced players and beginner players and ensure that highly experienced players are conspicuously identified as such to all players;(i) Prohibit the use of scripts in fantasy contests that give a player an unfair advantage over other players and make all authorized scripts readily available to all fantasy contest players;(j) Clearly and conspicuously disclose all rules that govern its contests, including the material terms of each promotional offer at the time the offer is advertised; and(k) Use technologically reasonable measures to limit each fantasy contest player to one active account with that operator.(2) A fantasy contest operator, including a small fantasy contest operator, offering fantasy contests in this state shall:(a) Contract with a third party to annually perform an independent audit, consistent with the standards established by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, to ensure compliance with this part 16; and(b) Submit the results of the audit to the director.Renumbered from C.R.S. §12-125-107 and amended by 2020 Ch. 269, § 2, eff. 7/10/2020.L. 2020: Entire part added with relocations, (HB 20-1286), ch. 1308, p. 1308, § 2, effective July 10.This section is similar to former § 12-125-107 as it existed prior to 2020.