I, .............., the assessor of .............. county, Colorado, do solemnly swear that in the assessment roll of such county I have listed and valued all taxable property located therein and that such property has been assessed for the current year in the manner prescribed by law and that the foregoing abstract of assessment is a true and correct compilation of each schedule.
I, ................, chairman of the ............. county board of county commissioners, certify that the county board of equalization has concluded its hearings, pursuant to the provisions of article 8 of this title, that I have examined the abstract of assessment, and that all valuation changes ordered by the county board of equalization have been incorporated therein.
C.R.S. § 39-5-123
(1) For subsection (4) as added by HB 24-1179 in effect from February 15, 2024, to July 1, 2024, see chapter 2, Session Laws of Colorado 2024. (L. 2024, p. 4.)
(2) Subsection (4)(d) provided for the repeal of subsection (4), effective July 1, 2024. (See L. 2024, p. 4.)