Section 38-24-104 - Lien statement - when filed(1) Every person wishing to avail himself of the benefits of this article must file with the county clerk and recorder of the county in which the property or premises mentioned in this article are situated, and within six months after the machinery, materials, fuel, explosives, or supplies have been furnished or the labor performed, a statement containing: (a) A just and true account of the amount due him after allowing all credits;(b) A description of the property to be charged with such lien sufficient for its proper identification; and(c) A verification by affidavit.(2) No error in the account shall effect the validity of the lien by the inclusion of items erroneously taken in, if such items can be identified. An open running account shall constitute a single contract, and in such case the lien shall relate back to the first item of material furnished or labor performed, as the case may be, and the six-month filing period shall begin to run for the whole account from the date of the last item.L. 29: p. 437, § 4. CSA: C. 101, § 54. CRS 53: § 86-5-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 86-5-4.