Article 14 - Denver Metropolitan Major League Baseball Stadium District
- Section 32-14-101 - Short title
- Section 32-14-102 - Legislative declaration
- Section 32-14-103 - Definitions
- Section 32-14-104 - Creation of district - area of district
- Section 32-14-105 - Authorizing election
- Section 32-14-106 - Board of directors - membership - qualifications
- Section 32-14-107 - Board of directors - powers and duties
- Section 32-14-108 - Conflicts of interest prohibited
- Section 32-14-109 - Records of board - audits - legislative oversight - powers and duties of state auditor
- Section 32-14-110 - Privatization - study and consideration
- Section 32-14-111 - Criteria - stadium site - stadium
- Section 32-14-112 - Consultation with urban land institute - Colorado baseball commission - consideration of recommendations
- Section 32-14-113 - Costs - acquisition of stadium site - construction of stadium - use of public moneys - target percentage
- Section 32-14-114 - [Effective Until 7/1/2025] Sales tax imposed - collection - administration of tax - discontinuance
- Section 32-14-114 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Sales tax imposed - collection - administration of tax - discontinuance
- Section 32-14-115 - Sales tax revenues - use
- Section 32-14-116 - Operating revenues - use
- Section 32-14-117 - Issuance of special obligation bonds
- Section 32-14-118 - Pledge of sales tax revenues and net operating revenues
- Section 32-14-119 - Payment, recital, and securities
- Section 32-14-120 - Incontestable recital in securities
- Section 32-14-121 - Limitation upon payment
- Section 32-14-122 - Negotiability
- Section 32-14-123 - Sale of special obligation bonds
- Section 32-14-124 - Contracts
- Section 32-14-125 - Management agreement - operation of stadium
- Section 32-14-126 - Lease of stadium - major league baseball franchise
- Section 32-14-126.5 - Revenue sharing
- Section 32-14-127 - [Repealed]
- Section 32-14-128 - Limitations upon liabilities
- Section 32-14-129 - Sale of real and personal property of district
- Section 32-14-130 - Limitations upon promotional activities
- Section 32-14-131 - Colorado baseball commission - creation - membership
- Section 32-14-132 - Commission - powers and duties
- Section 32-14-133 - Repeal of article