Colo. Rev. Stat. § 30-5-160
Beginning at the intersection of the west line of range eighty-eight west with the north boundary line of Colorado; thence south on said range line to its intersection with the north line of township seven north; thence west on said township line to the section line between sections three and four in township seven north, range eighty-nine west; thence south on said section line to the northeast corner of section twenty-eight in said township seven north, range eighty-nine west; thence west along the north line of sections twenty-eight, twenty-nine, and thirty in township seven north, range eighty-nine west to its intersection with the west line of range eighty-nine west; thence south on the west line of range eighty-nine west to the southwest corner of section eighteen, township three north, range eighty-nine west; thence east on the east-west centerline of said township to the southeast corner of section sixteen in range eighty-six west; thence south on the north-south centerline of said range to the south line of township one south; thence east on said township line to its intersection with the west line of range eighty-two west; thence north along said range line to its intersection with the continental divide in township six north; thence northerly along said divide to its intersection with the north boundary line of Colorado; and thence west on said boundary line to the place of beginning. Said public land surveys are based upon the sixth principal meridian.
C.R.S. § 30-5-160