Colo. Rev. Stat. § 30-5-151
That portion of the western boundary line of the county of Ouray and that portion of the eastern boundary line of the county of Montrose lying between the northwest corner of the county of Ouray and the northern boundary line of the county of San Miguel, is hereby fixed and established as follows:
Beginning at the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section eighteen, township forty-seven north, range eleven west, New Mexico principal meridian which point is the northwest corner of Ouray county; thence south three quarters of a mile to the southwest corner of section eighteen, township forty-seven north, range eleven west; thence east one-half mile to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of section eighteen, township forty-seven north, range eleven west; thence south to the center of section nineteen, township forty-seven north, range eleven west; thence east one mile to the center of section twenty, township forty-seven north, range eleven west; thence south two miles to the center of section thirty-two, township forty-seven north, range eleven west; thence one mile to the center of section thirty-three, township forty-seven north, range eleven west; thence south two miles to center of section nine, township forty-six north, range eleven west; thence east four miles to center of section seven, township forty-six north, range ten west; thence south one-half mile to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of said section seven; thence east one and one-half miles to northeast corner of section seventeen, township forty-six north, range ten west; thence south one mile to southwest corner of section sixteen, township forty-six north, range ten west; thence east one mile to southeast corner of section sixteen, township forty-six north, range ten west; thence south one-half mile to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section twenty-two, township forty-six north, range ten west; thence east one mile to southeast corner of the northeast quarter of section twenty-two, township forty-six north, range ten west; thence south one-half mile to southeast corner of section twenty-two, township forty-six north, range ten west; thence east one-half mile to northeast corner of the northwest quarter of section twenty-six, township forty-six north, range ten west; thence south three miles to southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section two, township forty-five north, range ten west; thence west one-half mile to northwest corner of section eleven, township forty-five north, range ten west; thence south one and one-half miles to southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section fourteen, township forty-five north, range ten west; which is the north boundary line of San Miguel county.
C.R.S. § 30-5-151