Colo. Rev. Stat. § 30-5-148
So much of the county of Weld as is included in the following described boundaries shall be set apart and is hereby established as a county, with the legal capacity and functions of other counties of this state, to be called the county of Morgan:
Beginning at the southeast corner of Weld county, and running thence west along the south line of Weld county to a point at the west line of range sixty, west of the sixth principal meridian; thence north, along the west line of said range sixty, to a point on said range line at the north line of township six, north of range sixty, west; thence east, along said north line of township six, north, and continuing on said course to a point on the east line of said county of Weld and the west line of range fifty-four; thence south, along the east boundary line of said Weld county, to the place of beginning.
C.R.S. § 30-5-148