Colo. Rev. Stat. § 30-5-109
Boulder county: Except for those portions that became part of the city and county of Broomfield on November 15, 2001, in accordance with sections 10 to 13 of article XX of the state constitution, commencing at a point where the township line between townships one and two south intersects the range line between ranges sixty-eight and sixty-nine; thence west on said township line to the east line of Gilpin county; thence along said line to the South Boulder creek; thence west along the northern boundary line of Gilpin county to the summit of the snowy range; thence along the summit of first range to a point at or near the summit of Long's Peak; thence east on said township line to the range line between ranges sixty-eight and sixty-nine; thence south to the place of beginning.
C.R.S. § 30-5-109