Colo. Rev. Stat. § 30-5-103
Beginning at the southwest corner of section eighteen, township thirty-six north, range nine east; thence north on the west line of range nine east to its intersection with the tenth standard parallel north; thence east on said parallel to its intersection with the crest of the mountain range that divides the waters of the streams flowing westerly into the San Luis Valley from the waters flowing easterly in the drainage of the Huerfano River; thence southerly along said crest to Blanca Peak; thence southwesterly along the crest of the mountain range that divides the waters of the streams flowing westerly into the San Luis Valley from the waters of the drainage of Blanca Creek to the peak on said crest lying two-tenths of a mile, more or less, southerly of Little Bear Peak, said peak being on the boundary of the Sangre de Cristo Grant; thence along a straight line, on the boundary of said Grant, running south forty-three degrees twenty minutes west, to its intersection with the southern boundary of the northern half of township thirty-six north; and thence west on said southern boundary to the point of beginning. Said public land survey lines are based upon the New Mexico principal meridian.
C.R.S. § 30-5-103