Section 30-28-206 - Board of review - qualifications - powers(1) The board of county commissioners of any county which enacts a building code under the authority of this part 2 may provide for a board of review of three or five members and for the manner of appointment of such members. Members of the board shall be experienced in building construction. The board of county commissioners may fix per diem compensation and terms for the members of such boards of review, which terms shall be of such length and so arranged that the terms of at least one member will expire each year. Any member of the board of review may be removed for cause by the board of county commissioners upon written charges and after a public hearing. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as in the case of original appointments. The board of county commissioners shall provide and specify in its building code or other resolution general rules to govern the organization, procedure, and jurisdiction of said board of review, which rules shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this part 2, and the board of review may adopt supplemental rules of procedure not inconsistent with this part 2 or such general rules.(2) Any building code adopted by the board of county commissioners may provide that the board of review, in appropriate cases and subject to appropriate principles, standards, rules, conditions, and safeguards set forth in the building code, may make special exceptions to the terms of the building code in harmony with their general purpose and intent. The board of county commissioners also may authorize the board of review to formulate suggested amendments to the building code for the consideration of the board of county commissioners. In addition, the board of review may adopt substantive rules and regulations based on the provisions of the building code adopted by the board of county commissioners. In no case, however, shall these rules become effective unless a public hearing thereon has been conducted by the board of review. Notice of the hearing, stating its time and place and where the text of the proposed substantive rules and regulations may be inspected, shall be given in the same manner as provided in the initial adoption of the code.L. 45: p. 244, § 6. L. 47: p. 366, § 1. CSA: C. 45B, § 6. CRS 53: § 36-15-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 36-15-6.