Part 6 - CORONER
- Section 30-10-601 - Coroner - election - bond - insurance - authority
- Section 30-10-601.5 - Qualifications - fingerprints
- Section 30-10-601.6 - Coroners standards and training board
- Section 30-10-601.7 - Duties of the Colorado coroners standards and training board
- Section 30-10-601.8 - Training - fees - coroner training fund
- Section 30-10-601.9 - Enforcement
- Section 30-10-602 - Coroner and deputy coroner - duties - oath or affirmation - bond - insurance
- Section 30-10-603 - Deputy coroner - appointment
- Section 30-10-604 - Coroner shall act as sheriff, when
- Section 30-10-605 - When sheriff a party or disqualified
- Section 30-10-606 - Coroner - inquiry - grounds - postmortem - jury - certificate of death
- Section 30-10-606.5 - When autopsy performed - jurisdiction - qualifications to perform - definition
- Section 30-10-606.7 - Autopsy reports - death of a minor - confidential - exceptions - definitions
- Section 30-10-607 - [Repealed]
- Section 30-10-608 - Coroner may issue subpoenas
- Section 30-10-609 - [Repealed]
- Section 30-10-610 - Oath of witnesses
- Section 30-10-611 - Testimony written and subscribed - fees
- Section 30-10-612 - Verdict of jury - form
- Section 30-10-613 - When verdict kept secret
- Section 30-10-614 - Coroner may order arrest - warrant
- Section 30-10-615 - Warrant - effect
- Section 30-10-616 - Contents of warrant
- Section 30-10-617 - Coroner to make return to district court
- Section 30-10-618 - Burial expenses - when paid by county
- Section 30-10-619 - Conflicts of interest of county coroners
- Section 30-10-620 - [Repealed]
- Section 30-10-621 - [Repealed]
- Section 30-10-622 - Unidentified human remains - DNA samples
- Section 30-10-623 - Department of corrections - reimbursement for expenses of coroner
- Section 30-10-624 - Required toxicology screening for a suicide, overdose death, or accidental death - annual report - working group