Section 29-33-102 - Legislative declaration(1) The general assembly hereby declares that public employees are the backbone of the state and ensure that Coloradans have access to strong public services. However, because public employees are exempt from protections afforded by the "National Labor Relations Act" and the "Colorado Labor Peace Act", when they speak out on issues in their workplace or come together with their coworkers to improve their working conditions, they can be disciplined and terminated. The general assembly further declares that public employees should have the following rights and should be protected from retaliation, including discipline or termination, if they choose to exercise these rights: (a) To speak out on issues of public concern and fully engage in the political process outside of work in the same manner as other citizens of Colorado;(b) To speak out about concerns with the terms and conditions of their employment;(c) To engage in protected concerted activity for the purpose of mutual aid or protection;(d) To organize, form, join, or assist an employee organization or to refrain from doing so; and(e) To pursue an employee organization with their coworkers without interference.Added by 2023 Ch. 393,§ 1, eff. 8/7/2023.2023 Ch. 393, was passed without a safety clause. See Colo. Const. art. V, § 1(3).