Article 22 - Hazardous Substance Incidents
- Section 29-22-101 - Definitions
- Section 29-22-102 - Hazardous substance incidents - response authorities - designation - definition
- Section 29-22-103 - Emergency response authority may request assistance
- Section 29-22-104 - Right to claim reimbursement - rules
- Section 29-22-105 - Additional reimbursement for costs of assistance - subrogation of rights - recovery of reimbursements by attorney general
- Section 29-22-106 - [Repealed]
- Section 29-22-106.5 - [Repealed]
- Section 29-22-107 - Legislative finding - hazardous substance listing required
- Section 29-22-108 - Criminal penalties
- Section 29-22-109 - Persons rendering assistance relating to hazardous substance incidents - legislative declaration - exemption from civil liability
- Section 29-22-110 - Colorado state patrol to provide information