Colo. Rev. Stat. § 28-4-105
The governor is authorized to prescribe the strength, branch of service, and rules and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this article governing the enlistment age of members of the force and governing the organization, physical requirements, administration, equipment, maintenance, training, and discipline of such force. Such rules and regulations, insofar as he or she deems practicable and desirable, shall conform to the existing law governing and pertaining to the National Guard and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder and shall prohibit the acceptance of gifts, donations, gratuities, or anything of value by any member of such force from any individual, firm, association, or corporation by reason of his or her membership; except that it is permissible for common carriers, such as airlines, railroads and bus lines, to carry members of such force without charge or at a reduced rate. The Colorado state defense force shall be commanded by the senior officer holding a state commission in the Colorado state defense force. He or she shall be designated by the adjutant general as the commanding officer of the Colorado state defense force. All the rights, powers, privileges, benefits, and emoluments created or existing by virtue of state laws, customs, or regulations heretofore had or enjoyed by the members of the Colorado National Guard shall be conferred upon and vested in the members of the Colorado state defense force. All the duties and responsibilities imposed upon and demanded of the members of the Colorado National Guard by the state laws, customs, or regulations are imposed upon and may be demanded of the members of the Colorado state defense force.
C.R.S. § 28-4-105