Section 26-2-202 - Legislative declaration(1) It is the intent of this part 2 to implement a state supplementation program pursuant to Title XVI of the social security act. It is the object and purpose of this part 2 to promote the public health and welfare of individuals who are residents of Colorado and whose need results from age, blindness, or disability with assistance and services to assist such individuals to attain or retain their capabilities for independence, self-care, and self-support.(2) The state supplementation shall be accomplished by providing mandatory assistance, as defined in this part 2, where required and by providing optional supplementation in accordance with Title XVI of the social security act and regulations adopted by the state board, within available appropriations. Title XVI of the social security act currently permits, in the determination of eligibility for benefits under that title, the disregard of certain payments which a Title XVI recipient receives from a state or a political subdivision of a state. Those persons receiving benefits under Title XVI of the social security act who also meet the eligibility requirements fixed under part 1 of this article may receive a state supplement to their Title XVI benefits in the form of benefits provided under such part 1.L. 75: Entire part added, p. 891, § 12, effective July 28.