- Section 25.5-4-401 - Providers - payments - rules
- Section 25.5-4-401.2 - Performance-based payments - reporting
- Section 25.5-4-401.5 - Review of provider rates - advisory committee - recommendations - repeal
- Section 25.5-4-402 - Providers - hospital reimbursement - hospital review program - rules
- Section 25.5-4-402.3 - [Repealed]
- Section 25.5-4-402.4 - [Effective until 7/1/2025] Hospitals - healthcare affordability and sustainability fee - Colorado healthcare affordability and sustainability enterprise - federal waiver - fund created - reports - rules - legislative declaration - repeal
- Section 25.5-4-402.4 - [Effective 7/1/2025] [Effective until 7/1/2026] Hospitals - healthcare affordability and sustainability fee - Colorado healthcare affordability and sustainability enterprise - federal waiver - fund created - reports - rules - legislative declaration - repeal
- Section 25.5-4-402.4 - [Effective 7/1/2026] Hospitals - healthcare affordability and sustainability fee - Colorado healthcare affordability and sustainability enterprise - federal waiver - fund created - reports - rules - legislative declaration - repeal
- Section 25.5-4-402.5 - Providers - state university teaching hospitals
- Section 25.5-4-402.7 - [Repealed]
- Section 25.5-4-402.8 - [Effective until 7/1/2025] Hospital transparency report and requirements - definitions
- Section 25.5-4-402.8 - [Effective 7/1/2025] [Effective until 7/1/2026] Hospital transparency report and requirements - definitions
- Section 25.5-4-402.8 - [Effective 7/1/2026] Hospital transparency report and requirements - definitions
- Section 25.5-4-403 - Providers - behavioral health safety net providers - reimbursement
- Section 25.5-4-403.1 - Providers - community mental health centers - cost reporting
- Section 25.5-4-403.2 - Certified community behavioral health clinic - application - repeal
- Section 25.5-4-404 - Payments for clinic services - restrictions on use
- Section 25.5-4-405 - Mental health managed care service providers - requirements
- Section 25.5-4-406 - Rate setting - medicaid residential treatment service providers - monitoring and auditing - report
- Section 25.5-4-407 - Services by licensed psychologists without a doctor's referral
- Section 25.5-4-408 - Services provided by licensed psychologists - cost containment program
- Section 25.5-4-409 - Authorization of services - nurse anesthetists - advanced practice registered nurses
- Section 25.5-4-410 - Services of audiologists and speech pathologists without supervision
- Section 25.5-4-411 - Authorization of services provided by dental hygienists
- Section 25.5-4-412 - Family planning services - family-planning-related services - rules - definitions
- Section 25.5-4-413 - Certain providers to inform patients of rights concerning advance medical directives
- Section 25.5-4-414 - Providers - physicians - prohibition of certain referrals - definitions
- Section 25.5-4-415 - No public funds for abortion - exception - definitions - repeal
- Section 25.5-4-416 - Providers - medical equipment and supplies - requirements
- Section 25.5-4-417 - [Effective until 7/1/2025] Provider fee - medicaid providers - state plan amendment - rules - definitions
- Section 25.5-4-417 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Provider fee - medicaid providers - state plan amendment - rules - definitions
- Section 25.5-4-418 - [Repealed]
- Section 25.5-4-419 - [Repealed]
- Section 25.5-4-420 - Providers to obtain unique NPI - service site - provider type - definitions
- Section 25.5-4-421 - [Repealed]
- Section 25.5-4-422 - Cost control - legislative intent - use of technology - stakeholder feedback - reporting - rules
- Section 25.5-4-423 - Targets for investments in primary care
- Section 25.5-4-424 - [Repealed]
- Section 25.5-4-425 - Providers - health-care services related to labor and delivery - reimbursement
- Section 25.5-4-426 - [Repealed]
- Section 25.5-4-427 - State payment to the Denver health and hospital authority
- Section 25.5-4-428 - Prior authorization for a step-therapy exception - rules - definition
- Section 25.5-4-429 - Hospital and provider billing requirements - description of service provided - rules
- Section 25.5-4-430 - Increasing access to behavioral health care for children and youth - directed payment authority - fee schedule rates
- Section 25.5-4-431 - Preauthorization for treatment - request to share with insurance carrier
- Section 25.5-4-432 - Reimbursement guidance for screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment
- Section 25.5-4-433 - Rural hospital cash fund - creation - definition