Colo. Rev. Stat. § 25-3.5-606
Current through 11/5/2024 election
No later than January 1, 1991, and prior to November 1 of each year thereafter, the department, in cooperation with the council, shall submit a report to the health, environment, welfare, and institutions committees and the joint budget committee of the general assembly on the moneys credited to the emergency medical services account and on the expenditure of such moneys during the preceding fiscal year. Such report shall contain a listing of the grant recipients, proposed projects, and a statement of the short-term and long-term planning goals of the department and the council to further implement the provisions of this part 6.
C.R.S. § 25-3.5-606
Amendments to this section by Senate Bill 00-180 and House Bill 00-1297 were harmonized.