C.R.S. § 24-75-302
(1) Amendments to subsection (2)(f) by House Bill 93S-1001 were harmonized with Senate Bill 93S-009 and House Bill 93S-1005. Amendments to this section by House Bill 94-1340 and Senate Bills 94-006 and 94-207 were harmonized. Amendments to the introductory portion to subsection (2) by House Bill 97-1077 and House Bill 97-1186 were harmonized. Amendments to subsection (2)(j) by House Bills 97-1060, 97-1186, 97-1244, 97-1318, and 97-1359 were harmonized.
(2) Amendments to subsection (2)(k) by Senate Bill 98-186 harmonized with House Bills 98-1006, 98-1068, 98-1202, and 98-1402; amendments to subsection (2)(l) by Senate Bill 98-002 harmonized with Senate Bill 98-021; and amendments to subsection (2)(m) to (2)(o) by House Bill 98-1160 harmonized with Senate Bills 98-002 and 98-021 and House Bill 98-1156.
(3) Amendments to subsection (2)(l) by House Bill 99-1068 and Senate Bill 99-239 were harmonized.
(4) Amendments to the introductory portion to subsection (2) by House Bill 00-1201 and House Bill 00-1055 were harmonized. Amendments to subsections (2)(m) and (2)(n) by House Bill 00-1158, House Bill 00-1069, House Bill 00-1107, House Bill 00-1111, House Bill 00-1201, House Bill 00-1214, House Bill 00-1247, House Bill 00-1317, and House Bill 00-1452 were harmonized. Amendments to subsection (2)(o) by House Bill 00-1055, House Bill 00-1201, House Bill 00-1247, and House Bill 00-1214 were harmonized. Amendments to subsection (2)(q) by House Bill 00-1055 and HB 00-1201 were harmonized.
(5) Amendments to subsection (2)(n) by Senate Bill 01-046, Senate Bill 01-210, Senate Bill 01-232, House Bill 01-1242, and House Bill 01-1344 were harmonized. Amendments to subsection (2)(o) by House Bill 01-1205 and House Bill 01-1242 were harmonized. Amendments to subsection (2)(p) by House Bill 01-1204 and House Bill 01-1242 were harmonized.
(6) Amendments to subsection (2)(o) by House Bill 02-1038, House Bill 02-1283, House Bill 02-1391, House Bill 02-1396, House Bill 02-1443, and Senate Bill 02-050 were harmonized. Amendments to subsections (2)(p) and (2)(q) by House Bill 02-1038 and Senate Bill 02-050 were harmonized.
(7) Amendments to subsection (2)(p) by Senate Bill 03-262 and House Bill 03-1213 were harmonized. Amendments to subsection (2)(r) by House Bill 03-1317 and House Bill 03-1138 were harmonized. Amendments to subsection (2)(s) by House Bill 03-1004, and House Bill 03-1317, House Bill 03-1138, and House Bill 03-1213 were harmonized. Amendments to subsection (2)(t) by House Bill 03-1004 and House Bill 03-1317 were harmonized.
(8) Amendments to subsection (2)(s) by House Bill 04-1021 and House Bill 04-1016 were harmonized.
(9) Amendments to subsection (2)(s) by House bill 06-1011, House Bill 06-1092, House Bill 06-1145, House Bill 06-1151, House Bill 06-1326, House Bill 06-1373, House Bill 06-1386, Senate Bill 06-206, and Senate Bill 06-207 were harmonized. Amendments to subsection (2)(t) by House Bill 06-1011, House Bill 06-1151, House Bill 06-1326, House Bill 06-1373, Senate Bill 06-206, and Senate Bill 06-207 were harmonized. Amendments to subsection (2)(u) by House Bill 06-1011, House Bill 06-1145, House Bill 06-1326, Senate Bill 06-206, and Senate Bill 06-207 were harmonized. Amendments to subsections (2)(v) and (2)(w) by House Bill 06-1011, House Bill 06-1145, Senate Bill 06-206, and Senate Bill 06-207 were harmonized.
(10) Amendments to subsection (2)(s) by Senate Bill 06S-004, Senate Bill 06S-005, and Senate Bill 06S-007 were harmonized.
(11) Amendments to subsection (2)(s) by Senate Bill 07-222 and Senate Bill 07-240 were harmonized. Amendments to subsections (2)(t), (2)(u), and (2)(v) by Senate Bill 07-096 and House Bill 07-1326 were harmonized.
(12) Amendments to subsection (2)(u) by House Bills 08-1115, 08-1194, 08-1352, and 08-1376 and Senate Bill 08-239 were harmonized. Amendments to subsection (2)(v) by House Bills 08-1115 and 08-1194 and Senate Bill 08-239 were harmonized. Amendments to subsections (2)(w) and (2)(y) by House Bill 08-1115 and Senate Bill 08-239 were harmonized.
(13) Amendments to subsection (2)(w) by House Bills 10-1081, 10-1277, and 10-1389 were harmonized.
(14) Amendments to subsection (1)(a) by HB 14-1387 and HB 14-1391 were harmonized.
(15) Subsections IP(2) and (2)(z) were amended in SB 15-170, effective March 13, 2015. However, those amendments were superseded by the amendment of subsections IP(2) and (2)(z) by SB 15-250, effective May 11, 2015.
(16) Subsection (2.7)(c) provided for the repeal of subsection (2.7), effective July 1, 2016. (See L. 2014, p. 481.)
(17) Amendments to the introductory portion of subsection (2.3) by HB 20-1261 and HB 20-1378 were harmonized.
(18) Amendments to subsection (3.2) by HB 21-1174 and SB 21-224 were harmonized.
(1) For the legislative declaration contained in the 1998 act amending this section, see section 7 of chapter 315, Session Laws of Colorado 1998. (2) For the legislative declaration contained in the 2000 act amending subsections (2)(m) and (2)(n), see section 1 of chapter 159, Session Laws of Colorado 2000. (3) For the legislative declaration contained in the 2001 act amending subsection (2)(n), see section 1 of chapter 176, Session Laws of Colorado 2001. (4) For the legislative declaration contained in the 2003 act amending the introductory portion to subsection (2) and subsections (2)(q), (2)(r), and (2)(s) and enacting subsection (2)(t), see section 1 of chapter 360, Session Laws of Colorado 2003. For the legislative declaration contained in the 2003 act amending subsections (2)(r) and (2)(s), see section 1 of chapter 340, Session Laws of Colorado 2003. (5) For the legislative declaration contained in the 2006 act amending the introductory portion to subsection (2) and subsections (2)(s) and (2)(u) and enacting subsections (2)(v) and (2)(w), see section 1 of chapter 341, Session Laws of Colorado 2006. For the legislative declaration contained in the 2006 act amending subsections (2)(s) and (2)(t), see section 1 of chapter 91, Session Laws of Colorado 2006. (6) For the legislative declaration contained in the 2008 act amending subsection (2)(u) and (2)(v), see section 1 of chapter 221, Session Laws of Colorado 2008. (7) For the legislative intent in the 2010 act amending subsection (2)(w), see section 6 of chapter 262, Session Laws of Colorado 2010. (8) For the legislative declaration in HB 14-1387, see section 1 of chapter 378, Session Laws of Colorado 2014. (9) For the legislative declaration in SB 15-211, see section 1 of chapter 179, Session Laws of Colorado 2015. (10) For the legislative declaration in SB 19-172, see section 1 of chapter 365, Session Laws of Colorado 2019. (11) For the short title ("I Love Colorado State Parks Act") and the legislative declaration in SB 20-003, see sections 1 and 2 of chapter 149, Session Laws of Colorado 2020. (12) For the legislative declaration in SB 21-112, see section 1 of chapter 16, Session Laws of Colorado 2021. (13) For the legislative declaration in SB 22-206, see section 1 of chapter 173, Session Laws of Colorado 2022.