(1)(a) There is hereby created within the division the affordable housing guided toolkit and local officials guide program, referred to in this section as the "housing toolkit program". The purpose of the housing toolkit program is to award funding to qualified counties, municipalities, and federally recognized tribes within the state selected in a competitive process who commit to the adoption of best land use practices with demonstrated success in the development of affordable housing. Under the housing toolkit program, technical assistance will be provided by consultants and related professionals to enable local governments to achieve an understanding of the housing needs of their communities, including the equity impacts of their land use policies and regulations, take steps to engage their entire communities in this process, make changes to their land use codes and related processes that provide incentives and reduce barriers to the development of affordable housing, obtain and support viable sites in their communities for the development of affordable housing, and attract developers committed to making such investments in their communities. The division shall administer the housing toolkit program.(b) All funding of any assistance awarded under the housing toolkit program must be made entirely out of the money transferred from the general fund to the housing development grant fund created in section 24-32-721 (1) in accordance with section 24-32-721 (6). All costs incurred by the division in administering the housing toolkit program must be paid out of the money transferred in accordance with section 24-32-721 (6). The division may use up to eight percent of any money appropriated to it under this section to cover its administrative costs in administering the housing toolkit program. All money transferred to the housing development grant fund in accordance with section 24-32-721 (6) must be expended before July 1, 2025. Any such money that is not expended or encumbered from any appropriation at the end of any fiscal year is available for expenditure before July 1, 2025, without further appropriation.(c) The process for applications required pursuant to this section must be in accordance with the process set forth in section 24-32-705.7.(2)(a) In evaluating applications for technical assistance under the housing toolkit program, the division shall prioritize projects based upon whether the application will, in the discretion of the division, create the maximum impact on the development of affordable housing in the areas of greatest need across the state and will satisfy one or more of the factors specified in subsection (1) of this section. The division shall consult with the division of local government in connection with the creation and administration of the housing toolkit program.(b) On or before September 1, 2021, the executive director of the department of local affairs or the executive director's designee shall adopt policies and procedures for the housing toolkit program that include, without limitation:(I) Procedures and time lines by which an eligible recipient may apply for assistance under the housing toolkit program;(II) Criteria for determining the amount or nature of the assistance awarded;(III) Performance criteria for grant recipients' projects; and(IV) Reporting requirements for grant recipients.(c) On or before November 1, 2022, and on or before November 1, 2023, the executive director of the department or the executive director's designee shall publish a report summarizing the use of all assistance that was awarded from the housing toolkit program in the preceding fiscal year. In the report, the division shall also provide its recommendations concerning future administration of the housing toolkit program. The report must be shared with the general assembly and posted on the department's website.Amended by 2024 Ch. 295,§ 7, eff. 8/7/2024, app. to applications submitted for affordable housing programs administered by the division of housing on or after 9/1/2024, or, if a referendum petition is filed, on or after the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor.Amended by 2023 Ch. 217,§ 2, eff. 5/17/2023.Added by 2021 Ch. 356, § 6, eff. 6/27/2021.(1) This section was numbered as § 24-32-721.5 in HB 21-1271 but was renumbered on revision for ease of location.
(2) Section 16(2)(a) of chapter 295 (HB 24-1308), Session Laws of Colorado 2024, provides that the act adding subsection (1)(c) applies to applications submitted for affordable housing programs administered by the division of housing on or after September 1, 2024, or, if a referendum petition is filed against the act or an item, section, or part of the act, then it applies on or after the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor.
2024 Ch. 295, was passed without a safety clause. See Colo. Const. art. V, § 1(3). For the legislative declaration in HB 21-1271, see section 1 of chapter 356, Session Laws of Colorado 2021. For the legislative declaration in HB 24-1308, see section 1 of chapter 295, Session Laws of Colorado 2024.