Colo. Rev. Stat. § 24-90-112.5

Current through 11/5/2024 election
Section 24-90-112.5 - Issuance of bonds
(a) Whenever the board of trustees of a library district determines that the interest of the library district and the public interest or necessity requires the creation of a general obligation indebtedness of the county on behalf of and in the name of the library district to finance the acquisition, construction, expansion, or remodeling of any real or personal property for library purposes of such district, including, without limitation, acquisition of books and equipment for such purposes, the board of trustees shall adopt a resolution requesting the board of county commissioners of the county in which the library district is located to submit the question of creating such indebtedness at the next general election or on the election held on the first Tuesday in November of odd-numbered years. The resolution of the board of trustees, in addition to the declaration of public interest or necessity, shall recite:
(I) The objects and purposes for which the indebtedness is proposed to be incurred;
(II) The amount of indebtedness to be incurred therefor;
(III) The maximum net effective interest rate to be paid on such indebtedness; and
(IV) The question to be submitted by the county to the registered electors.
(b) In the event that territory within a library district is located within more than one county, the resolution shall also specify the principal amount of indebtedness proposed to be incurred by each county in which territory within the district is located. Such principal amount of indebtedness for each county shall bear approximately the same ratio to the total principal amount of indebtedness proposed to be incurred as the valuation for assessment of that portion of the property within the library district which is located within such county bears to the valuation for assessment of all property located within the library district. The board of trustees shall deliver such resolution to the board of county commissioners of each county in which territory within the library district is located.
(2) Within twenty days after receipt of a resolution adopted pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of this section, the board of county commissioners shall either adopt the resolution subject to mutually agreed upon changes in the resolution or reject the resolution. Where the board adopts the resolution, it shall order the question of incurring such indebtedness to be submitted, on the date specified in the resolution of the board of trustees, to the registered electors residing in territory within the county which is included in the library district. Such order shall be adopted and the election shall be held and conducted in accordance with section 30-26-301, C.R.S. In its order the board shall specify polling places and precincts for such election, which may be the same as or different than the polling places and precincts established pursuant to the provisions of section 1-5-101, C.R.S. If, upon canvassing the vote, it appears that a majority of the registered electors voting at such election vote in favor of the proposition to contract said indebtedness, the board on behalf of and in the name of the library district is authorized to and shall contract for said indebtedness.
(a) Whenever the board of trustees of a library district determines that the interest of such district and the public interest or necessity requires the creation of a general obligation indebtedness of such district to finance the acquisition, construction, expansion, or remodeling of any real or personal property for library purposes of such district, including, without limitation, acquisition of books and equipment for such purposes, the board of trustees shall adopt a resolution to submit the question of creating such indebtedness on their own authority at the next general election or on the election held on the first Tuesday in November of odd-numbered years. In addition, at such election the board of trustees may also submit such question to the electors in the event the board of county commissioners of a county rejects the resolution of the board of trustees under subsection (2) of this section. In addition to reciting the declaration of public interest or necessity, the resolution of the board of trustees shall also recite:
(I) The objects and purposes for which the indebtedness is proposed to be incurred;
(II) The amount of indebtedness to be incurred therefor;
(III) The maximum net effective interest rate to be paid on such indebtedness; and
(IV) The question to be submitted by the board to the electors.
(b) The board of trustees of the district shall deliver a copy of the resolution to the board of county commissioners of each county within which the district is located.
(c) Within twenty days after adoption of the resolution, the board of trustees shall order the question of whether the library district shall incur such indebtedness to be submitted, on the date specified in the resolution, to the registered electors residing in such district. The order shall be adopted, and the election shall be held and conducted as provided in articles 1 to 13 of title 1, C.R.S. In its resolution, the board of trustees shall specify polling places and precincts for such election, which may be the same as or different than polling places and precincts established pursuant to the provisions of section 1-5-101, C.R.S. If, upon canvassing the vote, it appears that a majority of the registered electors voting at such election vote in favor of the question, the library district is authorized to and shall contract for said indebtedness.
(a) When authorized pursuant to subsection (2) of this section and upon the request of the board of trustees of the library district, the board of county commissioners shall issue bonds of the county in the manner provided in section 30-26-302, C.R.S., but such bonds may be redeemable prior to maturity at such time, in such manner, and upon payment of such premium as the board of county commissioners may determine. Such bonds shall not be subject to the limitation on county indebtedness set forth in section 30-26-301 (3) or 30-35-201 (6)(b), C.R.S. In the event that territory within a library district is located within more than one county, each board of county commissioners may issue its bonds for the authorized purposes of the library district regardless of whether any or all of the other counties in which the library district is located issue bonds for such purposes, but the bonds of a county issued pursuant to this section shall be payable from ad valorem taxes levied only on that property within such county that is located in the library district.
(b) When authorized pursuant to subsection (2.5) of this section, the library district shall issue its bonds in the manner provided in section 32-1-1101, C.R.S., but the bonds may be redeemable prior to maturity at such time, in such manner, and upon payment of such premium as the board of trustees may determine.
(4) The board of county commissioners acting pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, and the board of trustees of a library district acting pursuant to subsection (2.5) of this section, are authorized to levy an ad valorem tax on all taxable property either within such county that is located in the library district, or within such district where the boundaries of said district cover more than one county, as applicable, to pay the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on county or district indebtedness incurred pursuant to this section. The board of county commissioners and board of trustees, in certifying annual levies, shall take into account the maturing indebtedness of such county or such district incurred pursuant to this section for the ensuing year and deficiencies and defaults of prior years and shall make ample provision for the payment thereof. If the moneys produced from such levies, together with other revenues of the county or district available therefor, are not sufficient to pay punctually the annual installments on its contracts or bonds, and interest thereon, and to pay defaults and deficiencies, the board of county commissioners or board of trustees, as applicable, shall make such additional levies of taxes as may be necessary for such purposes, and such taxes shall be made and continue to be levied until the indebtedness is fully paid.
(5) Moneys resulting from such indebtedness shall be deposited with and disbursed by the custodian of library district funds pursuant to section 24-90-112 (2). The real or personal property to be acquired, constructed, expanded, or remodeled with the proceeds of such indebtedness shall be held, operated, and maintained by the library district.

C.R.S. § 24-90-112.5

L. 83: Entire section added, p. 1020, § 1, effective May 26. L. 87: (1)(a)(IV) and (2) amended, p. 321, § 64, effective July 1. L. 2003: IP(1)(a), (2), (3), and (4) amended and (2.5) added, p. 2459, § 13, effective August 15.