Colo. Rev. Stat. § 24-90-106.5

Current through 11/5/2024 election
Section 24-90-106.5 - Establishment or removal of a municipal library in an existing county library or library district

If a municipality is in the legal service area of an existing county library or library district, public library service shall not be refused or discontinued other than as provided in this article. The municipality may establish its own municipal library only by choosing to do so by means of financial support that does not affect the financial support previously established for the county library or library district; except that the municipality and the county library or library district may, by mutual written agreement, permit a financing method for a municipal library that does affect the financial support previously established for the county library or library district. If establishment of the municipal library is to be funded by any amount of tax levy not previously established by resolution or ordinance nor previously approved by the electors of the municipality, the electors must approve that levy before the municipality can establish the library.

C.R.S. § 24-90-106.5

L. 2003: Entire section added with relocations, p. 2447, § 7, effective August 15. L. 2009: Entire section amended, (HB 09 -1072), ch. 74, p. 263, § 3, effective August 5.

This section was formerly numbered as § 24-90-106(2) .