Part 1 - GENERAL
- Section 24-4-101 - Short title
- Section 24-4-101.5 - Legislative declaration
- Section 24-4-102 - Definitions
- Section 24-4-103 - Rule-making - procedure - definitions - statutory citation correction
- Section 24-4-103.3 - Mandatory review of rules by agencies - report on results of review in departmental regulatory agendas
- Section 24-4-103.5 - [Repealed]
- Section 24-4-104 - Licenses - issuance, suspension or revocation, renewal
- Section 24-4-104.5 - Permits - rules in effect at time of submission of application for a permit control
- Section 24-4-104.6 - Analysis of noncompliance with department rules - definition - legislative declaration
- Section 24-4-105 - Hearings and determinations
- Section 24-4-106 - Judicial review
- Section 24-4-107 - Application of article
- Section 24-4-108 - [Repealed]
- Section 24-4-109 - State engagement of disproportionately impacted communities - definitions