Section 24-11-116 - Jury Appreciation Day(1) The fifth day of September in each year, the same being the anniversary of one of the most famous jury verdicts in United States history, is known as "Jury Appreciation Day". Appropriate observance by suitable means may be held by the public, by all jury commissioners, and in all public schools of the state to recognize the importance of jury service to the community, the importance of jury trials to the state, and the great contribution jury trials make to the cause of freedom. All efforts and undertakings in celebrating Jury Appreciation Day must be in harmony with the general character of the day so established.(2) Annually, the governor shall issue a proclamation calling for the recognition of Jury Appreciation Day.(3) On Jury Appreciation Day, each state agency shall remain staffed at a minimum level to conduct the usual operations of the agency.(4) A holiday allowed pursuant to this section is in lieu of a legal holiday described in section 24-11-101 (1). The total number of legal holidays in a state fiscal year available to an employee of a state agency is not changed by this section.Added by 2023 Ch. 253,§ 2, eff. 8/7/2023.2023 Ch. 253, was passed without a safety clause. See Colo. Const. art. V, § 1(3). For the legislative declaration in SB 23-282, see section 1 of chapter 253, Session Laws of Colorado 2023.