Section 22-9-103 - DefinitionsAs used in this article 9, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Board of cooperative services" shall have the same meaning as provided in section 22-5-103 (2).(1.1) "Council" means the state council for educator effectiveness established pursuant to section 22-9-105.5.(1.4) "Department" means the department of education created pursuant to section 24-1-115, C.R.S.(1.5) "Licensed personnel" or "licensed person" means a person who is employed to instruct students, to provide professional services to students in direct support of the education instructional program, or to administer, direct, or supervise the instructional program in a school in the state and who holds a valid license or authorization pursuant to article 60.5 of this title 22.(2) "Local board of education" or "local board" means the board of education of the school district.(2.5) "Performance standards" means the levels of effectiveness established by rule of the state board pursuant to section 22-9-105.5 (10).(2.6) "Principal" means a person who is employed as the chief executive officer or an assistant chief executive officer of a school in the state and who administers, directs, or supervises the education program in the school.(2.7) "Principal development plan" means a written agreement developed by a principal and district administration that outlines the steps to be taken to improve the principal's effectiveness. The principal development plan shall include professional development opportunities.(2.9) "Quality standards" means the elements and criteria established to measure effectiveness as established by rule of the state board pursuant to section 22-9-105.5 (10).(3) "School district" means any school district organized and existing pursuant to law but does not include a local college district.(4) "State board" means the state board of education established by section 1 of article IX of the state constitution.(5) "Teacher" means a person who holds an alternative, initial, or professional teacher license issued pursuant to the provisions of article 60.5 of this title and who is employed by a school district or a charter school in the state to instruct, direct, or supervise an education program.(6) "Teacher development plan" means a written agreement mutually developed by a teacher and his or her principal that outlines the steps to be taken to improve the teacher's effectiveness. The teacher development plan may include but need not be limited to consideration of induction and mentorship programs, use of highly effective teachers as instructional leaders or coaches, and appropriate professional development activities.Amended by 2022 Ch. 214, § 1, eff. 5/24/2022.L. 84: Entire article added, p. 585, § 1, effective May 14. L. 92: (1) amended and (1.5) added, p. 471, § 3, effective April 29. L. 2000: (1.5) amended, p. 1849, § 43, effective August 2. L. 2010: (1.1), (1.4), (2.5), (2.6), (2.7), (2.9), (5), and (6) added, (SB 10 -191), ch. 241, p. 1054, § 2, effective May 20.Subsections (2.7), (2.9), (5), and (6) were numbered as subsections (3.5), (2.7), (6), and (5), respectively, in SB 10-191 but were renumbered on revision to place the definitions in alphabetical order.