Section 22-16-112 - Parent rights - complaint policy(1) The parent of a student enrolled by a local education provider has the right: (a) To inspect and review his or her child's student personally identifiable information maintained by the local education provider;(b) To request from the local education provider a paper or electronic copy of his or her child's student personally identifiable information, including student personally identifiable information maintained by a school service contract provider. If a parent requests an electronic copy of the parent's child's student personally identifiable information, the local education provider shall provide an electronic copy of the student personally identifiable information unless the local education provider does not maintain student personally identifiable information in electronic format and reproducing the student personally identifiable information in an electronic format would be unduly burdensome.(c) To request corrections to factually inaccurate student personally identifiable information maintained by a local education provider. After receiving a request for correction that documents the factual inaccuracy, the local education provider that maintains the student personally identifiable information shall correct the factual inaccuracy and confirm the correction to the parent within a reasonable amount of time.(2)(a) The governing board of each local education provider shall adopt a policy for hearing complaints from parents regarding the local education provider's compliance with the requirements of this article. At a minimum, the policy must provide a parent the opportunity to submit information to the governing board and receive a hearing by the governing board and must require the governing board to take action on the parent's complaint within sixty days after the hearing.(b) If a local education provider does not comply with the requirements specified in this article, a student's parent may submit a complaint to the governing board of the local education provider in accordance with the complaint policy adopted in accordance with paragraph (a) of this subsection (2).Added by 2016 Ch. 355,§ 1, eff. 8/10/2016.L. 2016: Entire article added, (HB 16-1423), ch. 355, p. 1475, § 1, effective August 10.