- Section 12-290-101 - Applicability of common provisions
- Section 12-290-102 - Definitions
- Section 12-290-103 - Podiatric surgery
- Section 12-290-104 - Podiatry license required - professional liability insurance required - exceptions - rules
- Section 12-290-105 - Appointment of members of podiatry board - terms - review of functions - repeal of article
- Section 12-290-106 - Powers and duties of board - limitation on authority - rules
- Section 12-290-107 - Examination as to qualifications - rules
- Section 12-290-108 - Issuance, revocation, or suspension of license - probation - unprofessional conduct - definitions - immunity in professional review
- Section 12-290-109 - Volunteer podiatrist license
- Section 12-290-110 - Podiatry training license
- Section 12-290-111 - Prescriptions - requirement to advise patients - limits on prescriptions
- Section 12-290-112 - Licensure by endorsement
- Section 12-290-113 - Disciplinary action by board
- Section 12-290-114 - Reconsideration and review of action of board
- Section 12-290-115 - Judicial review
- Section 12-290-116 - Unauthorized practice - penalties - exclusions
- Section 12-290-117 - Use of physician assistants - collaboration requirements - rules
- Section 12-290-118 - Professional service corporations, limited liability companies, and registered limited liability partnerships for the practice of podiatry - definitions
- Section 12-290-119 - Renewal of license - continuing education - professional development program - rules - renewal questionnaire
- Section 12-290-120 - Injunctive proceedings
- Section 12-290-121 - Duplicates of license
- Section 12-290-122 - Division of fees prohibited - penalty - recovery of fees illegally paid
- Section 12-290-123 - Confidential agreements to limit practice - violation grounds for discipline
- Section 12-290-124 - Bone marrow aspirations from the tibia