Article 275 - Optometrists
- Section 12-275-101 - Legislative declaration
- Section 12-275-102 - Applicability of common provisions
- Section 12-275-103 - Practice of optometry defined - prescribing drugs - therapeutic optometrist - rule
- Section 12-275-104 - Proprietor defined
- Section 12-275-105 - Persons entitled to practice optometry - title protection of optometrists
- Section 12-275-106 - Persons excluded from operation of this article
- Section 12-275-107 - State board of optometry - created - members
- Section 12-275-108 - Powers and duties of the board - rules - limitation on authority
- Section 12-275-109 - Volunteer optometrist license
- Section 12-275-110 - Application for license - licensure by endorsement
- Section 12-275-111 - Current licensees - treatment and therapeutic practice
- Section 12-275-112 - Examination - licenses
- Section 12-275-113 - Use of prescription and nonprescription drugs - limits on prescriptions
- Section 12-275-114 - Prescriptions - requirement to advise patients
- Section 12-275-115 - License renewal - questionnaire - continuing education
- Section 12-275-116 - Change of address
- Section 12-275-117 - Licenses to be displayed
- Section 12-275-118 - Records to be kept by the board
- Section 12-275-119 - Patient's exercise of free choice - release of patient records - rules
- Section 12-275-120 - Unprofessional conduct - definitions
- Section 12-275-121 - Mental and physical examination of licensees - confidential agreements to limit practice
- Section 12-275-122 - Discipline - procedure - professional review - immunity - reconsideration and review of action by board - rules
- Section 12-275-123 - Use or sale of forged or invalid certificate, degree, or license
- Section 12-275-124 - Corporate practice prohibited - exceptions
- Section 12-275-125 - Enforcement - injunction - defense
- Section 12-275-126 - Unauthorized practice - penalties
- Section 12-275-127 - Professional service corporations, limited liability companies, and registered limited liability partnerships for the practice of optometry - definitions
- Section 12-275-128 - Financial responsibility - rules
- Section 12-275-129 - Judgments and settlements - reporting
- Section 12-275-130 - Repeal of article - review of functions