Article 250 - Naturopathic Doctors
- Section 12-250-101 - Short title
- Section 12-250-102 - Applicability of common provisions
- Section 12-250-103 - Definitions
- Section 12-250-104 - Naturopathic medicine advisory committee - creation - membership - duties
- Section 12-250-105 - Director powers and duties - rules
- Section 12-250-106 - Practice of naturopathic medicine by naturopathic doctors - exclusions - protected activities - definition - rules
- Section 12-250-107 - Registration required - qualifications - examination - registration by endorsement - rules
- Section 12-250-108 - Registration renewal or reinstatement - fees
- Section 12-250-109 - Continuing professional competency - rules
- Section 12-250-110 - Compliance with transparency requirements
- Section 12-250-111 - Persons entitled to practice as naturopathic doctors - title protection for naturopathic doctors
- Section 12-250-112 - Disclosures - record keeping
- Section 12-250-113 - Grounds for discipline - disciplinary actions authorized - procedures - definitions
- Section 12-250-114 - Unauthorized practice - penalties
- Section 12-250-115 - Professional liability insurance required - vicarious liability
- Section 12-250-116 - Judgments and settlements - reporting
- Section 12-250-117 - Protection of medical records - registrant's obligations - verification of compliance - noncompliance grounds for discipline - rules
- Section 12-250-118 - Confidential agreement to limit practice
- Section 12-250-119 - Mental and physical examination of registrants
- Section 12-250-120 - Inactive registration - rules
- Section 12-250-121 - Repeal of article - subject to review - definition