Section 11-59.7-104 - Stimulus obligations authorized under state law - ancillary agreements(1) Public entities may issue or enter into stimulus obligations as authorized by this article 59.7. Except as otherwise provided in this section and section 11-59.7-105, each type of stimulus obligation shall be issued or entered into by a public entity in accordance with a law of the state that authorizes or permits the public entity to issue bonds or enter into a financed purchase of an asset or certificate of participation agreement to finance or refinance a project that may be financed or refinanced with proceeds of the type of stimulus obligation under federal law. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of any other law of the state: (a) Any public entity that is authorized or permitted under the laws of the state to issue bonds to finance or refinance a project that under federal law may be financed or refinanced with proceeds of build America bonds may issue the bonds as build America bonds. Any public entity that is authorized or permitted under the laws of the state to enter into a financed purchase of an asset or certificate of participation agreement to finance or refinance a project that may be financed or refinanced under federal law with proceeds of build America bonds may enter into the financed purchase of an asset or certificate of participation agreement as a build America bond.(b)(I) Any public entity that is authorized or permitted under the laws of the state to issue bonds to finance or refinance a project that under federal law may be financed or refinanced with proceeds of a type of stimulus obligation other than a build America bond may issue the type of stimulus obligation:(A) To finance or refinance any project that may be financed or refinanced under federal law with proceeds of the type of stimulus obligation; and(B) To issue bonds as the type of stimulus obligation under federal law.(II) Any public entity that is authorized or permitted under the laws of the state to enter into a financed purchase of an asset or certificate of participation agreement to finance or refinance a project that may be financed or refinanced under federal law with proceeds of a type of stimulus obligation other than a build America bond may: (A) Enter into a financed purchase of an asset or certificate of participation agreement to finance or refinance any project that may be financed or refinanced under federal law with proceeds of the type of stimulus obligation; and(B) Enter into the financed purchase of an asset or certificate of participation agreement as a stimulus obligation under federal law.(c) To the extent elected by a public entity pursuant to section 11-57-204 (1), part 2 of article 57 of this title shall apply to stimulus obligations issued or entered into by public entities, stimulus obligations shall be securities, and public entities, as defined in section 11-59.7-103 (20), shall also be public entities for purposes of part 2 of article 57 of this title.(d) A stimulus obligation may be sold at any price, be subject to optional or mandatory redemption or optional or mandatory tender at any time and at any price, and contain any other special provisions that the governing body of the public entity determines are necessary or convenient to issue or enter into the stimulus obligation at a cost and on terms, and with payments scheduled in a manner, that is determined by the governing body to be advantageous to the public entity.(e) The right to receive any payment of principal of, any interest on, or any other amount with respect to a stimulus obligation, the right to claim any tax credit with respect to a stimulus obligation, and the right to receive any federal direct payment in connection with a stimulus obligation may be stripped or separated from one another, may be issued or delivered to different persons, and may be owned and transferred independently of one another.(f) Any outstanding stimulus obligation may be refunded by or on behalf of the public entity that issued or entered into it pursuant to article 56 of this title or any other law of the state that authorizes the public entity to issue or enter into refunding obligations.(g) Section 22-41-110, C.R.S., relating to timely payment of school district obligations, shall apply to a stimulus obligation issued or entered into by a school district that is a general obligation bond issued by a school district pursuant to article 42 or 43 of title 22, C.R.S., an obligation of a school district in connection with a lease agreement or installment purchase agreement entered into by a school district under section 22-32-127 or 22-45-103 (1)(c), C.R.S., or a refunding bond issued by a school district pursuant to article 56 of this title.(h) Section 23-5-139, C.R.S., relating to the higher education revenue bond intercept program, shall apply to any stimulus obligation:(I) That is issued or entered into:(A) By a public institution of higher education;(B) By a recovery and reinvestment act finance authority created by a contract to which a public institution of higher education is a party; or(C) By any other public entity to finance or refinance a project that is or is to be owned by or used by a public institution of higher education; and(II) That meets the other conditions specified in section 23-5-139, C.R.S.(i) Any stimulus obligation issued or entered into for the purpose of financing or refinancing charter school capital construction by a public entity other than a school district on behalf of a charter school that is entitled to receive funding from the public school fund pursuant to part 1 of article 30.5 of title 22, C.R.S., shall qualify for direct payments under section 22-30.5-406, C.R.S. The charter school debt service reserve fund, as defined in section 22-30.5-408 (1)(a), C.R.S., for any stimulus obligation that is issued by the Colorado educational and cultural facilities authority created in section 23-15-104 (1)(a), C.R.S., that is a qualified charter school bond, as defined in section 22-30.5-408 (1)(d), C.R.S., issued on behalf of a qualified charter school, as defined in section 22-30.5-408 (1)(c), C.R.S., and that meets the other conditions set forth in section 22-30.5-408, C.R.S., shall qualify for replenishment under section 22-30.5-408, C.R.S.(k)(I) Proceeds of stimulus obligations, moneys held in any sinking fund relating to any stimulus obligation, and other moneys relating to any stimulus obligation may be invested by the state treasurer in any investment or securities permitted by article 36 of title 24, C.R.S., and by the state treasurer or any other public entity in any investment or securities permitted by part 6 of article 75 of title 24, C.R.S., subject to the following modifications: (A) Any limitations on the maturity of the investment or securities or any securities subject to a repurchase agreement, reverse repurchase agreement, or other investment shall not apply so long as the investment or securities mature on or before the last maturity of the stimulus obligation;(B) Any limitations on variable rate investments and securities shall not apply; and(C) Public entities may agree to invest moneys in the investment or securities in advance of the receipt of the moneys.(II) Public entities also may direct a corporate trustee that holds proceeds of stimulus obligations, moneys held in any sinking fund relating to any stimulus obligation, and other moneys relating to any stimulus obligation to invest or deposit the proceeds or moneys in investments or deposits other than those specified by article 36 of title 24, C.R.S., and part 6 of article 75 of title 24, C.R.S., if the governing body of the public entity determines that the investment or deposit meets the standard established in section 15-1-304, C.R.S., the income is at least comparable to income available on investments or deposits specified by said article 36 or part 6, and the investment will assist the public entity in the financing or refinancing of projects that may be financed or refinanced with the proceeds of its stimulus obligations. Any earnings from any investment or securities permitted by this paragraph (k) may be used and may be pledged to make payments to the owners of stimulus obligations or other persons or may be used for any other lawful purpose for which the public entity may spend money.(l) The interest on and income from any stimulus obligation shall be exempt from all taxation and assessments in the state. In the stimulus obligation documents, the public entity that issues or enters into a stimulus obligation may make elections under the internal revenue code, including but not limited to an election to designate the stimulus obligation as a qualified tax-exempt obligation for purposes of section 265 of the internal revenue code, an election to treat the stimulus obligation as a specified tax credit bond, or an election to receive federal direct payments with respect to the stimulus obligation, and may waive the exemption of the interest on and income from any stimulus obligation from taxation and assessments in the state.(m) All banks, trust companies, savings and loan associations, insurance companies, executors, administrators, guardians, trustees, and other fiduciaries may legally invest any moneys within their control in stimulus obligations.(n) Public entities, as defined in section 24-75-601 (1), C.R.S., may invest public funds in stimulus obligations if the stimulus obligations satisfy the investment requirements established in part 6 of article 75 of title 24, C.R.S. This paragraph (n) shall not limit the power of a public entity that issues or enters into a stimulus obligation to enter into an ancillary agreement with another public entity under which the other public entity agrees to make payments to the public entity that issues or enters into the stimulus obligation on any terms agreed to by the two public entities.(o) A public entity may take any action in connection with any stimulus obligation, and the investment and use of the proceeds, any federal direct payments, or any other moneys received in connection with any stimulus obligation, that the governing body of the public entity determines is necessary or convenient and is not inconsistent with this article.(2) Any public entity that is authorized to issue or enter into a stimulus obligation pursuant to subsection (1) of this section is also authorized to enter into ancillary agreements with respect to the stimulus obligation and to use and to pledge any amounts received or to be received by the public entity under any such ancillary agreement for the payment of or compliance with the terms of stimulus obligation documents relating to the stimulus obligation.(3) A public entity that issues or enters into a stimulus obligation may take any action required to comply with, and may covenant in any stimulus obligation document that it will comply with, any provision of federal law applicable to the stimulus obligation, including but not limited to the applicable provisions of the federal recovery and reinvestment act relating to labor standards and reports to the federal government.Amended by 2021 Ch. 325, §2, eff. 7/1/2021.L. 2009: Entire article added, (HB 09-1346), ch. 2196, p. 2196, § 1, effective June 2. L. 2010: (1)(g) and (1)(l) amended, (SB 10-200), ch. 1028, p. 1028, § 2, effective May 18; (1)(j) repealed, (HB 10-1422), ch. 2066, p. 2066, § 15, effective August 11. For the federal recovery and reinvestment act, see the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009", Pub.L. 111-5 .